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Hit Dice
0 - 2,250 1 2
2,251 - 4,750 2 3
4,751 - 10,000 3 4
10,001 - 22,500 4 5
22,501 - 47,500 5 6
47,501 - 98,000 6 7
98,001 - 200,000 7 8
200,001 - 350,000 8 9
350,001 - 500,000 9 10
500,001 - 700,000 10 11
700,001 - 900,000 11 12
900,001 - 1,250,000 12 13
1,250,001 - 1,750,000 13 14
1,750,001 - 2,250,000 14 15
2,250,001 - 2,750,000 15 16
2,750,001 - 3,250,000 16 17
3,250,001 and over 17 18

Monks are a most unusual class; they tend to be reserved, introspective characters whose motivation and direction are seldom clear (or even vaguely understood) by others. A monk must have a minimum of 15 in wisdom, dexterity, and strength and a minimum of 11 constitution. Monks never gain experience point bonuses.

Monks are monastic aesthetics who practice rigorous mental and physical training and discipline. All monks must be lawful in alignment. Any monk that loses his lawful alignment loses all monk abilities and must begin again as a 1st-level character.

Monks use the same combat table as thieves. However, due to their extensive study of weaponry, monks add ½ point per level of experience to any damage done with a weapon. The special attack form of the monk, though, is his dedication to a martial art. Monks receive the Martial Arts nonweapon proficiency free at 1st level. The exact style is dictated by the favored style of the monk character's order. They also start with two of the style's special maneuvers. In addition to the normal special maneuvers of the monk's style, all monks initially posses the special maneuver missile deflection. An additional nonweapon proficiency slot in Martial Arts is gained at 6th and 13th levels. These slots also must be spent in the style favored by the monk's order. The Monk Ability Table shows the additional number of attacks and damage that a monk does in his favored martial art. The fraction under Additional attacks is the number of extra attacks per round that the monk may make with his style. Thus, 1/4 indicates 1 additional attack every 4 rounds. Likewise, the Additional Damage column shows the number of dice and/or hit points of damage done. Extra dice of damage are of the same type the style normally uses; thus, +1D +1 for a style that usually does D6 damage means 2-7 more hit points of damage on each attack.

In addition to damage, monks attacking with martial arts have a increased chance to stun, or even kill, an opponent. If the monk's to hit roll exceeds by 5 or more the minimum number necessary to hit an opponent, the creature is stunned for 1-6 rounds. The chance to kill is equal to the opponent's armor class added to the number of levels the monk is above 7th. Note that in order to kill, 1) the monk must score a hit, 2) the hit must stun, and 3) the percentage or lower must be rolled.

Likewise, monks save as thieves, but with certain advantages: if a monk makes his or her saving throw against an attack, no damage is sustained. At 9th level and above, if a monk fails his save, then only half damage is sustained (if possible). Note that a failed save against fireball would do only ½ damage, but failing a save vs. a basilisk would still petrify the monk.

At 1st level, monks are 30% likely to be surprised (q.v.). For each level thereafter, reduce this by 2%, subject to a minimum of 2% at 15th level and beyond.

Monks have the following thieves' abilities. Monks receive the same initial scores as thieves, but receive only 20 points per level thereafter.

Monks have normal dexterity modifiers to these abilities.

Although the chance of falling while climbing walls is the same as a thief of equal level, a monk can escape damage as follows:

The monk must have the opportunity to periodically make contact with the wall to slow the fall.

There are a number of strictures that monks must abide by:

  1. All treasure not required for personal upkeep and maintenance of a stronghold must be give away, as per paladins (q.v.).
  2. Magic items usable include weapons of permitted types, rings, and miscellaneous magic items usable by thieves.
  3. No bonuses to hit or to damage due to high strength.
  4. High dexterity affords no armor class bonus.
  5. Until attaining 6th level (Master), monks may have no hirelings or henchmen. At 6th level, monks may hire for short-term duration only, and may acquire up to 2 henchmen. Henchmen may be fighters (not barbarians or rangers though), thieves, or assassins. With each level above 6th, the monk may hire one additional henchmen, until the maximum allowable by his or her charisma is reached.
  6. There can be only a limited number of monks above 7th level within a given order. There are three 8th level monks, and but one of each higher level. In order to gain a level, monks must best the current holder in combat (without weapons or magic items) in a manner similar to druids (q.v.).

Sometimes there is a vacancy in the hierarchy of the order to which the monk belongs; in this case, the monk will not be required to fight for advancement. This is rare, however. The monk may change his allegiance to a different order at any time prior to attaining 8th level; in doing so, he immediately drops to the minimum number of points needed to attain his or her current level. Should a monk of 8th level or higher wish to change orders, he must find an order with a vacancy at the level one below his current level. The character may change orders by assuming this position, reducing his experience points to the minimum necessary to attain the next lower level. Once a monk has left an order, he may never return to it, and all reactions with members of such an order are at -4. Only monks of 17th level (Grand Master of Flowers) may start their own order.

Upon reaching 8th level, the monk will gain a number of followers upon defeating the monk which held the position previously. He or she will attract 2-5 1st-level monks if the player character has built a monastery or similar structure. The character will attract 1-2 additional 1st level followers for each level gained thereafter. These followers may be worked upwards in level. While they are loyal and require no support, upkeep, or pay, they will leave as soon as attaining 7th level (Superior Master). Note that a monk may only build a monastery after attaining 8th level.

Additional Martial Arts Special
Level AC Move Attacks Damage Abilities
1 10 15 - - -
2 9 16 - - -
3 8 17 - - A
4 7 18 1/4 - B
5 7 19 1/4 +1 C
6 6 20 1/2 +2 D
7 5 21 1/2 +2 E
8 4 22 1/2 +1D F
9 3 23 1/1 +1D+1 G
10 3 24 1/1 +1D+2 H
11 2 25 3/2 +1D+2 I
12 1 26 3/2 +2D J
13 0 27 3/2 +2D K
14 -1 28 2/1 +2D+1 -
15 -1 29 2/1 +3D -
16 -2 30 3/1 +3D+1 -
17 -3 32 3/1 +4D -

Notes regarding Special Abilities:

  1. The ability to speak with animals as the druid spell.
  2. The ability to mask the mind so that ESP has only a 30% chance of success. For each level above the 4th, the chance for successfully ESPing a monk drops by 2%.
  3. The monk is immune to all diseases, and slow or haste spells.
  4. The ability to use a self-induced catalepsy to appear dead. This can be done perfectly, as the monk is able to lower his or her body temperature and heart rate. The monk is able to maintain this state for a number of turns equal to twice his level.
  5. The ability to heal damage on the monk's body. Total damage healed is 2-5 hit points, plus one point per level above the 7th.
  6. The ability to speak with plants as the druid spell.
  7. Beguiling, charms, hypnosis, and suggestion spells have only a 50% chance of affecting a monk; this resistance is increased by 5% per level thereafter.
  8. Telepathic and mind blast attacks upon a monk of 10th level or higher mare made as if the monk had an intelligence of 18, due to the monk's mental discipline.
  9. Immunity to poisons of all types.
  10. Immunity to geas and quest spells.
  11. The last ability gained, and perhaps the most fearsome power, is that fabled attack which enables the monk to set up vibrations in the body of a victim, and the monk can control the vibrations so as to cause death to occur when the monk stops them. Known as the "quivering palm," the monk merely touches his victim to set up the deadly vibrations. The victim can be virtually any creature. This power is subject to the following limitations:
    1. It can be attempted but once per week, and the monk must touch the intended victim within 3 rounds or the power is drained for one week.
    2. It has no effect on undead or creatures which can only be hit by magic weapons.
    3. The victim can have no more hit dice than the monk, and its total hit points cannot be more than twice the monk's.
    4. The command to die (control of the vibrations) must be given within one day per level of experience of the monk, or the vibrations will cease of their own accord and do no damage whatsoever.