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The Necromancer 

Race Allowed:  Human, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, and Gnome. 

Weapons Allowed:        as Cleric plus Sickle, Scourge & Short Blades (fighter's HB). 

Armour Allowed:         any, but he may not cast wizard spells in armour. 

Shield:                 any. 

Weapon Proficiencies:   as Cleric. 

Non-Weapon Prof.:       as Cleric. 

Saving Throws:          as Cleric, with a +3 on all saves vs. death in any save vs. death or die situation. 

Level Advancement:      as Cleric. 

THAC0:                  as Cleric. 

The necromancer must start play with a proficiency in either sickle or scourge but gets a free proficiency in Herbalism and Undertaking. 

The Necromancer may only use Healing of Necromantic magic itmes. This does not apply to armour, weapons (other than rods and staffs), and potions. 

Deity: any one related to the dead, death, or the afterlife. 

Special Abilities: 

1st Level. 

Turn or control (if evil) Undead as a Cleric of the same level. Make poison with strenght relative to level. +3 to save vs. death in any save vs. death or die situation. 

2nd Level. 

Ability to Feign Death (see the Wizard spell). 

3rd Level. 

Choose a Weapon of Doom. The Weapon of Doom can hit all Undead, regardless of the magical bonus needed to hit. The Weapon of Doom is a single weapon, not a type of weapon. A long ceremony, which may be costly, is needed to construct this unique item. It's power functions only in the hands of the Necromancer who made it. 

4th Level. 

Can cause a Corpse Visage on himself once per day. 

5th Level. 

Can cause a single item, no larger than a small wagon, to come to live and serve him. The item must be within 20 feet of the Necromancer and in a clear line of sight. If the item is in contact with a living creature the power fails (armour or sword ect.). The item may not attack and must have some means of movement or the Necromancer must carry it (a table can walk a book can not). If the item is destroyed the Necromancer takes 4d6 damage. At any point the Necromancer may shift the life force from one object to another without suffering hit point loss. This is a fun power not an Ultra-Power, play it that way! 

6th Level. 

Weapon of Doom causes double damage on all Undead in the hands of the Necromancer. 

7th Level. 

Weapon of Doom is +3 to hit and damage against all living things, in the hands of the Necromancer. 

8th Level. 

The Necromancer gains a saving throw Vs. Death Magic (without the +3 invoked in death situations) to avoid level drain. 

9th Level. 

He is immune to a Vampires charm attack and paralyzing touch of from ghouls and Liches. Save vs. Death (no +3) to avoid being aged by a Ghost. 

10th Level. 

The Weapon of Doom acts a a Mace or Disruption in the hands of the Necromancer. It is still X2 damage before strength or magic is added on Undead. 

11th Level. 

The Weapon of Doom forces any living thing to save vs. Death or die when it hits with a natural 20. Magic resistance applies. 

12th Level. 

He gains a Kiss of Death. When the Necromancer wishes, he can give a PERSON (Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Human, ect.) a Kiss of Death. If the PERSON is under 8 hit die he dies, if he is over 8 hit die he must save vs. death or die. This may not be used in battle, rather only in a non-combat situation. 

13th Level. 

The Necromancer attracts 1d6 Wraiths, 4d6 Zombies or Skeletons, and 2d6 Shadows to his dark lair. The guard the lair and will not adventure. 

14th Level. 

Can cause or remove a plague in a 50 Mile radius. This takes a full week, during which the Necromancer must concentrate on the desired plague. As the week passes the plague will either begin or slowly stop, depending on what he selects. As the end of the week all is done and the Necromancer may move on. 
Note: If the Weapon of Doom is destroyed the Necromancer may make a new one. 


The Necromancer can cast Wizard Necromantic spells and Cleric Healing and Necromantic spells. He prays for all his spells (Wizard and Cleric). All Necromantic spells are one level lower for him, first level spells are still first level. For example, the third level spell "Negative Plane Protection" is really a second level spell of the Necromancer. He also gains Cleric wisdom bounses for spell ability. He can cast the Cleric spells in armour, but not the Wizrd Necromantic spells. 

In addition, the Necromancer know alot about undead, the DM should give extra information about the Undead or dead things to the Necromancer. May times he can tell how a thing died. 

Notes: The Necromancer can speak with all Undead he controls. In addition to Necromantic and Healing spells, he can memorize Speak with Dead at its normal level. 

Michael Patrick Kelly (