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SLASHING (Scimitar, Bastard Sword, Broad Sword, Long Sword, Great Sword, Axes)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, damage X2.

10-12 Strike vital area, damage X3.

13-20 Destroy 1d4 items, 1/2 damage.

21-22 Slit throat; 20+1d10 damage plus 1d8 for next 5 rounds until binding.

23-55 Limb damaged:see limb damage chart.

56-60 Hit face; scar, -1 charisma.

61-63 Scalped, damage X2, -3 charisma, no hair will grow.

64-65 Removed nose, -10 to charisma.

66 Removed left ear, -20% chance of hearing, -2 charisma.

67 Removed right ear, -20% chance of hearing, -2 charisma.

68-70 Blind in one eye, 1/2 damage, -2 to hit, -4 with missiles, lose Dex bonus

on AC.

71-72 Blind in both eyes, 1/2 damage, -6 to hit, -10 with missiles, lose Dex

monus on AC.

73-77 Gut wound, 1/2 damage, takes 2 rounds to bind, see STOMACH WOUNDS.

78-79 Sever spinal cord, save vs. paralization or legs paralyzed. +10 damage.

80-88 Organ hit, see ORGAN chart.

89-95 Removed weapon. No damage unless monster (claws or teeth removed).

96-98 Limb, major tendon severed, roll on LIMB chart.

99 Limb, major nerve severed, no sense of touch, roll on LIMB chart.


THRUSTING (Short Sword, Dagger)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, damage X2.

10-12 Strike vital area, damage X3.

13-15 Puncture throat, damage +10, 1d8 for 4 rounds or until bound.

16-30 Limb struck: use LIMB chart, roll 1d4 for EXTENT.

31-36 Blind in 1 eye, +50% damage, see SLASHING for results.

37 Blind in both eyes, +75% damage, see SLASHING for results.

38-44 Organ hit, see ORGAN chart.

45-47 Blade stuck in bone, max weapon damage every round until removed.

48-51 Limb: tendon severed, 1 limb useless- see LIMB chart.

52-62 Lodged in vital area, take damage again when removed.

63-69 Destroyed 1 item, damage -d4.

70-78 Solar plexus hit, damage X2.5.

79-90 Gut wound, effects as stomach wound use ORGAN chart.

91-99 Exceptional blow- blade passes through body, damage X3.

00 Strike perfect blow- instant death.

CRUSHING (Bo-stick, Club, Hammer, Mace, Morning Star, Jo-stick, Quarterstaff, Flail)

01-03 Crush neck- damage =20+ 1d10, save vs. paralysis or paralized from neck

down until cured for 2x damage taken.

04 Crush throat, damage +50% and can't breath; unconscious in Con/6 rnds,

suffocate to death 10 rnds later.

05-21 Limb cracked, roll on LIMB chart to see which one. Useless for 2 months,

-2 days per Con.

22-27 Crack skull, damage =10 + 1d10, save vs death or lose 1-2 points of Wis

and Int.

28-29 Spine cracked, see SLASHING for effects.

30-36 Rib cracked, damage +20%, -1 to hit.

37-42 If wearing plate, crunched inside +10 damage and 50% chance of not being

able to breathe until removed; if not removed, treat as crushed throat,

-1 AC worse for armor.

43-46 If wearing chain, horrible imprint left, +25% damage and 25% chance of


47-50 Organ ruptured; see ORGAN chart.

51-57 Stunned for 1d10 segments, cant fight or defend for 1d6 rnds.

58-63 Hit face, -1 charisma, damage +25%.

64-65 Helm destroyed (only magic helms get saving throw) save vs Con or knocked

out 1d4 rnds.

66-73 Shield destroyed (only magic shields get saving throw).

74-77 Destroy 1d4 items, damage -25%.

78-83 Hit tip of sternum, damage x2, -2 to hit.

84-85 Crush pelvis, damage +50% and 1 HP/rnd until magically cured for 10 HP.

86-90 Crack jawbone, +10% damage and can't talk or eat for 1d12 days.

91-94 Glancing blow to face, 1/2 damage, 1d8 teeth knocked out, -2 Charisma.

95-99 Shoulder crushed and arm useless.

00 Head crushed in--dead.

SHARP PROJECTILE (Arrow, Dart, Thrown Dagger, Crossbow Bolt)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, damage X2.

10-12 Strike vital area, damage X3.

13-23 Blind in one eye, X3 damage,-2 to hit, -4 with missiles, lose Dex bonus

on AC.

24-30 Stick in bone, take damage again to remove.

31-36 Pierce hand, useless for one week or until 2X damage cured.

37-40 Pierced neck, 1d10 damag, + 1d4 damage for next three rounds from


41-45 Limb hit at joint (use LIMB chart), limb useless until projectile

removed, then -1 to hit with that limb until healed.

46-50 Remove finger, see LIMB chart.

51-59 Pass entirely through body, X2 damage.

50-68 Pin arm to chest, chance to remove-chance to open doors +10%.

69-77 Hit weapon hand, see LIMB chart for ARM damage.

78-84 Organ hit, see ORGAN chart.

85-93 Projectile sinks all the way in, unpleasant damage X2.

94-98 Projectile lodged in bone, max weapon damage until removed.

99 Limb, stuck in major tendon, making that limb useless, us LIMB table for


00 Perfect shot--DEATH.

POLE ARM (Bardiche, bec de corbin, bill-guisarme, fauchard, fauchard-fork, glaive, par ransuer, spetum, voulge)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, damage X2.

10-12 Strike vital area, damage X4.

13-18 Mutilate chest, damage X2.

19-24 Horrible gash, damage X2, infection in 1d6 days.

25-40 Limb struck, see LIMB chart.

41-43 Grazed face, damage +1/2, -1 on charisma until X3 damage cured.

44-47 Destroyed armor if chainmail or weaker.

48-51 Blind in one eye, damage X2, see SLASHING.

52-54 Blind in both eyes, damage X2, see SLASHING.

55-62 Rip shield from grasp, 1/2 damage (if no shield, MAX damage).

63-71 Organ hit, see ORGAN chart.

72-78 Stuck in ribs, take damage every round until removed.

79-80 Blade goes entirely through, take X3 MAX damage.

81-88 Polearm disarms opponent, no damage unless opponent has teeth or claws.

89-94 Destroy 1d4 items, 1/2 damage.

95-99 Hack out chunk of flesh, X3 MAX damage, -4 to charisma, will leave bad


00 Blade cleaves skull, save vs. death at -5. If saved then instant death,

if failed, character looses 1d4 on constitution permanently and dies very


SPEAR-LIKE (Spear, Javilin, Trident, Lance, Fork, Pick, Pike)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, damage X2.

10-12 Strike vital area, damage MAX X2.

13-20 Impaled, MAX damage and takes 1d6 rounds to remove.

21-29 Victim pinned to ground for 1d4 rounds.

30-36 Neck punctured, see THRUSTING.

37-41 Arm pinned to body, MAX damage.

42-46 Hit shoulder, arm useless, -4 to hit due to pain.

47-48 Impaled and lifted off ground, X3 damage.

49-55 Sticks in shield, makes both shield and spear useless, 10% chance of

hitting arm 1/2 damage if this occurs.

56-60 Hit ribs and break several X2 damage -2 to hit.

61-70 Blind in one eye, X2 damage, see SLASHING.

71-79 Roll on THRUSTING table.

80-83 Destroyed 1-2 items, 1/2 damage.

84-87 Hit face, X2 damage, 25% chance of scar, -1 charisma until cured for 2x


88-94 Hit in gut, see SLASHING.

95-99 Goes clear through body, MAX X2 damage.

00 Pierces heart, save vs. death at -5 or dead, if saved HP reduced to 0.

SPIKED (Some maces, Morning-stars, Flails, Clubs)

01-50 Roll on crushing table, with +1d4 damage.

51-57 destroyed chainmail or weaker armor.

58-67 Removed finger, see LIMB chart for effects.

68-73 Stuck in bone, take damage every round until removed (removal takes


74-77 Punctured one eye, damage X2, see SLASHING.

78-83 Punctured both eyes, damage MAX X2, see SLASHING.

84-88 Many spikes hit, MAX X2 damage.

89-94 Deep puncture wound, damage X2, will infect in 1d6 days.

95-99 Organ hit, see ORGAN chart.

00 Crushed skull, dead.

THROWN STONES (Sling stones, Sling bullets)

01-30 Stunned for 1d10 segments, can't fight or move for 1d4 rounds.

31-50 Blind in one eye, X2 damage, see SLASHING.

51-70 Limb cracked, X2 damage (25% chance of being useless), see LIMB chart.

71-80 Limb broken, MAX X2 damage, (75% chance of being useless), see LIMB


81-99 Vital area, MAX X2 damage.

00 Shattered skull, save vs death at -10 or dead. If saved, Int -1d4 and

Wis -1d4, HP=0.

BITES AND CLAWS (Monsters, unarmed humanoids)

01-09 Hit vulnerable area, MAX damage.

10-12 Hit vital area, MAX X2 damage.

13-31 Limb hit, see LIMB chart.

32-35 Break ribs, damage X2, -4 to hit due to pain.

36-38 Organ gouged, see ORGAN chart.

39-51 Knocked down (if possible), MAX damage, monster gets +2 to hit on next

attack save vs. paralysis or lose next attack.

52-54 Blind in one eye, damage X2, see SLASHING.

55-57 Blind in both eyes, damage X2 see SLASHING.

58-65 Severed mahor tendon, see SLASHING.

66-75 Roll on SPIKED table.

76-79 Unpleasant things done to face, X2 damage, -2 charisma, 5% each major

feature being made useless. Cure for 5x damage to heal.

80-99 Deap gouge, MAX X2 damage, weird scar and will be infected if possible.

00 Removed throat, save vs death at -10 or dead. If saved, reduced to 0 HP

and charisma -6 due to huge scar on neck.



Reverse all L & R for left-handers

Die Roll

1 Right Leg

2,5 Left Leg

3,6 Right Arm

4 Left Arm


LOCATION (d10) X5 damage

1 Fingers (toes)

2-3 Wrist (ankle)

4-5 Mid-forearm (mid-calf)

6-8 Elbo (knee)

9-10 Shoulder (hip)


1 Temporarily damaged

2 Badly hacked

3-4 Crippled sevemy

5-6 Completely severed


Temporarily damaged -4 to hit, -4 to damage.

Badly hacked -6 to hit, -6 to damage.

Crippled severely -8 to hit, -8 to damage.

Fingers Remove 1-2 fingers, lose 1 hp each, 25% chance thumb. If

thumb or 3+ fingers lost, save vs paralysis each blow or

drop weapon.

Completely severe -10 to hit, -10 damage.


Toes -10% movement

Temporarily damaged -10% movement

Badly hacked -25% movement

Crippled severely -50% movement

Completely severed -90% movement




Location (d6)

1 Lung Damage X2, save vs. poison or lung collapses: unconscious for

10-20rnds then half move until healed.

2 Heart (nicked): Damage MAX X2.

3 Kidney Damage +2, blood poisoning, death in 4d12+Con hours; neutralize

poison will add 10 hours.

4 Liver Damage +3, bleed for 1d4 hp for 5 rounds.

5 Spleen Damage +3, bleed for 1d6 hp for 5 rounds.

6 Stomach Damage X2, take full damage again daily from digestive fluids.

Will become terminally infected in one day. This will weaken

the victim at 1 Strength and 1 Constitution point / day. The

victim dies when Strength, Constitution, or HP goes below zero.

A cure disease is required to stop infection; thereafter, the

character will regain Strength and Constitution at the rate of 1

point per day.