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Out of food AND water:
From the moment the first meal is skipped, no healing is possible and for each day without food, the character requires an additional hour of rest above the normal 7 required for fully functional behavior. A character may survive for a number of days equal to his or her constitution or stamina score, assuming he can survive the emmaciation induced.
1 nil nil
2 -1 to hit nil
3 -2 to hit nil
4 -2 to hit/-1 to dmg nil
5 -3 to hit/-1 to dmg nil
6 -3 to hit/-2 to dmg nil
7 -4 to hit/-3 to dmg nil
8 -6 to hit/-4 to dmg nil
9 -7 to hit/-5 to dmg 1
10 -8 to hit/-7 to dmg 1
11 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 2
12 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 3
13 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 5
14 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 8
15 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 13
16 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 21
17 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 34
18 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 55
19 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 89
20 -8 to hit/-8 to dmg 100

Brian A. Scriber.