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The Doomguard

"Everything falls. Raise it up all you like, but gravity will pull it down. Build up your house, someone's going to tear it down, and if someone doesn't than time will. Time, the slayer of all things. Look around, the multiverse crumbles no matter how hard you try to stop it. It started crumbling at the beginning, and will continue to spiral down, down, downwards until at the end, we are nothing but ashes. Ashes. That's the Doomguard, we acknowledge that Entropy exists. Some of us want to help it along, some of us want to stop it. Me? I care to stand here, let it crumble without my aid or interference. Anything I do in the end will be pointless anyhow, entropy sets its own pace in destruction as in all things. We are the Doomguard, the Sinkers, and we don't care about what you're doing... because in the end, it all slides away."

"Burn! Burn! Burn it all! Entropy is King of the Multiverse, and we are but his servants! Go forth, my minions, go forth and put Sigil to the torch!"

Faction Overview

The Doomguard are at the same time one of the most introspective and one of the most riotous members of the Sigilian population. They believe in the great power of Entropy to destroy all that exists. Each of them acknowledges that Entropy is the ultimate force in the multiverse, and that it's going to eventually take everything in existence with it, converting it to dust, and then the dust to nothing. They point to the massive structures, civilisations of old, and our ancestors... each a mighty force in their time, now gone the way of the dodo. Time destroys all things, say the most moderate of the Doomguard.

Sadly enough, these Doomguard are in the minority. The most prominent of the Doomguard (rather, the ones that get noticed most) are the ones with the belief that Entropy isn't increasing in the multiverse at a fast enough rate: that is, it's their job to destroy things without cause. Ordinarily, past factols in the Doomguard have made concerted efforts to keep this sort of type out of their faction: after all, destruction for no purpose does nothing. Entropy is meant to be watched; after all, where is the beauty in a multiverse quickly crumbling up into a ball of paper? No, it is beauty when the sands of What Was slowly funnel downwards into the neverending expanse of Nothingness. There is joy in slow destruction, never in the quick. This is what the elder and more introspective Doomguard know.

Their factol, however, does not. She is Factol Pentar, and is a young, enthusiastic member of the Doomguard, believing that in all things, Entropy should be speeded up, aided, helped along in its quest towards ultimate destructions. She believes totally in nothing short of the complete annihilation of the Great Modron March, a march that is undertaken by the modrons of Mechanus once every 187 years. She's become so obsessed by the idea that she's begun to prepare her soldiers of Entropy for the ultimate destruction of their lawful procession along the Great Ring. She's begun drawing her attention away from Sigil, letting the cambion Ely Cromlich oversee much of the day-to-day activities of the Doomguard headquarter, the Armory of Sigil. Most of the time, these day-to-day activities involve selling swords and other weapons to anyone who shows the right money. The Harmonium hate this, seeing the Doomguard giving out dangerous weapons to anyone they want and creating dangerous situations by arming the restless of Sigil. The Doomguard shrug, and continue to sell weapons to even the most dangerous of criminals in Sigil. It's said that Cromlich wants to see Sigil razed to the ground... it's the tanar'ri blood coursing through him, wanting to see everything in flames, destroyed. You can take a tanar'ri out of the Abyss, but apparently you can't take the Abyss out of the tanar'ri.

The Doomguard is currently conflicted: there are those that want to halt the approach of Entropy, some that want to simply observe it, and some who want to speed up the process. With the latter in the complete majority, the other members of the Doomguard often find themselves working at ends counter to those in their faction. Many of the more moderates in the faction whisper quietly their disapproval of Pentar in her complete focus on the distant Modron March while her faction crumbles around her. It's still entropy, which isn't so bad, but they can't help but be angry at her for her radical changes and chaotic directions that she continues to point her faction in.

Faction Life

As a general rule, any jobs that the Doomguard take are related with bringing about entropy. Invariably, entropy is tied in with the Sigilian weapons industry in some form or another, be they a weapons apparaiser, a smith in the Armory, or a general ripper that goes around and burns things down for the fun of it. More often than not the last type ends up in either the Mercykiller's Prison... or dead. If they get caught.


The Revolutionary League and the Xaosmen usually find themselves allied with the more violent members of the Doomguard. Random death and destruction find themselves allying more and more with the Doomguard and their particular style of violence. Certain Indeps also ally themselves with the Doomguard and the Anarchists' particular style of destruction because of their anti-Harmonium stance.


None of the lawful factions (the Harmonium, Fraternity of Order, and the Mercykillers) can condone the actions of the more violent members of the Doomguard as they proceed to burn Sigil and generally put it to the torch. They earn the honor of being arrested by the Harmonium every time they step out of line.