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"Chaos you it's get it berk don't?"

"Ît's bÈr|< Xa0s!"

"Dabus! Subades is reprENSTATIVE of XAoS with OBSUREC SPEAK!"

"Soax is berk chaos it!"

"Yeah, sure. I'm not going to start talking weird like sense talking because makes no that."

"lEt's attackkkk the Hardheads!"

"Oh, please, you people, people! Obscuring language doesn't make anything more chaotic or less chaotic! Strange speak doesn't work! Let's go drop bird eggs from the Sigilian trees in the Hive Ward!"
- A Xaositect fed up with the rest of the his group, although apparently unaware that there aren't really any trees in the Hive Ward. It doesn't matter; the group went down to the Lady's Ward, stole everyone's hats, paraded around town with them for a while then distributed them back to their proper owners inside-out.

Faction Overview

The Xaositects (or Xaosmen, Chaosmen, etc., as you like it) are truly loose cannons of Sigil. What they're going to do next is never known, if only for the premise on which their faction is based: the multiverse is chaos. Chaos. Nothing makes sense. There is nothing that can bring order to the chaos that exists everywhere, there is no way to herd the glory of XoAs into a ranks and files. Chaos is beautiful. Chaos is glorious. Chaos is perfect in its disorder. The Xaositects usually wear colorful clothes, walk around speaking perfect gibberish, and then cheerfully break any roles assigned to them, including ones already defined to in this sentence. When given a choice between two things, they'll do a third. When they are expected to do one thing, they will do the opposite. It's chaos. Their factol is such that his actions from one second to the next are thoroughly unrelated, and he has honed himself to the point where the innate order in a person's thought has almost disintegrated from his thought processes. He is walking chaos personified, and it's goes unargued that he's one of the most chaotic mortals in the multiverse. His name is Karan (most of the time) and he's a githzerai from Limbo, and its said that he can shape chaos stuff into... even more chaotic stuff. You were expecting order?

In Sigil, the Xaositects mostly go around doing whatever they want. Mostly, they're unified by their hatred of the Harmonium and the other order groups in Sigil, but that's not a given at all, since what one Xaositect things one minute is almost always different from second to second. Their minds dance and freely associate from topic to topic, rarely staying in one place long enough to take root. Their headquarters is in the Hive Ward of Sigil and is called, imaginatively enough, "The Hive." It's like a maze, an anthill with a thousand turns... while the rest of the Ward may be confusing, it's not The Hive. The Hive isn't a place that people go for fun or to do something constructive at all: it is a place where the population is almost completely Xaositects, and those non-Xaositects are fair game while within its twisting streets to almost anything imaginable.

Scary clowns with leering faces, artists that fling their paint all over the canvas, people that try too hard to be random... these are the Xaosmen, some of the time. Other times, they're different... consistency? What's that? Why would you expect the Xaosmen to be the same from time to time?

The trick for a Xaosman, of course, is to become at one with the disorder of the multiverse. One cannot try too hard to be random and disordered, because that's not chaos. Neither is chaos always random... sometimes a Xaosman will just show up and start speaking normal, just to confuse you. The best Xaositects seem to have a knack for knowing exactly what you expect of them... and then doing something else.

Faction Life

The Xaositects do whatever they feel like doing, and what they feel like doing varies from one moment to the next. They don't hold permanent positions and end up wandering Sigil doing whatever they feel like. Some of their outlets end up being in the arts, and they create either works of incredible beauty or works of incredible ugliness: it's never consistent. As a general rule, the Xaositects are never consistent: they do whatever they want to, whenever they want to, and nobody gets in their way. Jobs? Xaosmen can't hold jobs. It's against their very nature. Most end up doing something against Sigilian law and hunted down by the Harmonium or Mercykillers to have their sentence administered. Some of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous criminals have been Xaosmen, which serves as a warning to everyone.


The Revolutionary League sees the Xaosmen as easily manipulated puppets to be exploited to further the goals of the Revolution. The Xaosmen like the Anarchists too, probably because there's always disorderly fun to be had when the Revolutionary League is around.

The Bleakers get along with the Xaosmen because both groups can easily see that the multiverse makes no orderly sense. The Xaosmen just take it a step further than that into the utter belief (and almost worship) of the chaos inherent within.

The Doomguard likes the Xaositects in the same way as the Revolutionary League does: the Xaosmen are easily manipulated into overt acts of violence and disorder because of their nature.

The Indeps, because of their hatred of the Harmonium, usually gets along with the Xaositects, if only because of a common hatred.


None of the law factions (the Harmonium, Mercykillers, and Fraternity of Order) can stand the Xaositects. While the Harmonium is more active in searching them out, it's the Fraternity of Order that can't stand them. Because the Fraternity of Order believes in the perfection of law and the Xaositects believe in the glory of chaos, it's about as opposite as things are going to get.