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There are four different types of critical fumbles, depending on the attack used by the fumbler. For each type, have the fumbler roll a D20.

1. Natural (unarmed)
2. Armed (hand weapon)
3. Ranged (bow/crossbow)
4. Thrown (knives, boomerangs, anything physically thrown)
Natural Critical Fumbles
1-5: Normal Miss
6-7: Attacker dazed; -1 attack.
8-9: Attacker stunned, forfeits remaining attacks this melee & next.
10-11: Attacker loses his balance and is dazed. Save (12 or higher) to avoid falling down (-2 to hit/parry).
12-13: Attacker falls down and is dazed (-1 attack, -2 to hit/parry)
14-15: Attacker falls down and is stunned (-2 to hit/parry, forfeits attacks this melee and next).
16-17: Attacker damages the limb used in the attack; it is useless for the next 24 hours.
18-19: Attacker breaks the limb used in the attack; useless for the next 1d6 weeks (GM's: this is lenient).
20: Attacker inadvertantly strikes himself; roll normal damage for unarmed attack, then save vs pain (13) to avoid falling unconscious.
Armed Critical Fumbles
1-5: Normal Miss
6-7: Attacker dazed; -1 attack.
8-9: Attacker stunned; may only parry this melee and the next.
10-11: Attacker loses his balance, and 1 attack. Must make a saving throw (12) to avoid fall (-2 to hit/parry).
12-13: Attacker dents/chips weapon, -2 damage permanently.
14-15: Attacker drops weapon; forfeits initiative next round and may only dodge this one.
16-17: Attacker loses grip on weapon, which flies and strikes a random ally (roll full damage).
18-19: Weapon shatters and is destroyed.
20: Attacker inadvertantly strikes himself; roll normal damage then save vs pain (15) to avoid falling unconscious.
Ranged Critical Fumbles
1-5: Normal Miss
6-8: String frays. Bow functions at -2 damage, - 10 ft range until it is restrung. String will snap if frayed twice.
9-11: String snaps, bow is useless until restrung. To restring during combat, character must have a spare string on hand and roll a 12 or higher. Each attempt counts as one attack.
12-14: Arrow warps and strikes a random ally (roll full damage).
15-16: Bow cracks; -3 to damage, -20 ft range. Bow breaks if cracked twice.
17-18: Bow cracks; -3 damage, -1 rate of fire, -2 strike. Bow breaks if twice cracked.
19-20: Bow breaks.
Thrown Critical Fumbles
1-5: Normal Miss.
6-9: Weapon shatters on impact, doing no damage to intended target.
10-12: Weapon flies off in random direction. It is lost and unrecoverable.
13-15: Weapon thrown wildly, all characters in area are possible targets. Roll normal damage.
16-17: Weapon thrown wildly, all allies in area are possible targets. Roll normal damage.
18-19: Attacker damages his throwing arm. It is useless for 24 hours.
20: Attacker breaks and disables his throwing arm. Useless for 1d6 weeks

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