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Baatorian Green Steel

Cost: 300 x
Weight: .40 x
AC: -1
Magic: +2
Attack: +1
Damage: +1d2
Init: -1

This is the first of the purely Planar metals that is common used for armor and weapons. While it is the most common of the better metals, it is considered an Uncommon find. It is used in the Blood War not only because it is far superior to normal steel, but it can also strike any planar creature, regardless of magical restrictions.

Items made of Green Steel weigh 40% less and cost 300x more than normal. Weapons gain +1 to hit, -1 bonus to speed, and do 1d2 MORE damage; Armor gains a +2 bonus. All items also have a +2 to saves and can strike all creatures of +2 enchancement.