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Cost: 175 x
Weight: .75 x
AC: -1
Magic: +1
Attack: Normal
Damage: Normal
Init: -2

Illithium is a rare metal worn and used by the illithid and ullitharid on certain occasions.

Illithium is often used as a form of armor by the elusive illithid and their royal counterparts for one very obvious reason: the armor does not hinder psionic activity. The armor can, in fact store up to 250 Psp's.

Thankfully for most citizens of the multiverse, this metal is extremely rare. In appearance, the metal is a dark steel gray that is matter - so light does not reflect well off of it. This makes the wearer of the metal even more difficult to see. Due to limited quantities, the illithid will usually only wear such armor when acting as a leader of a larger group, so there is less of a chance of losing the powerful metallic armor.