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Cost: 200 x
Weight: 1.25 x
AC: -1
Magic: +3
Attack: Normal
Damage: +1
Init: Normal

Mechanium is the metal native to and rarely found even on, Mechanus - Plane of Ultimate Law.

Mechanium is found only on Mechanus. It is essentially a steel composed of tiny gears and machinery - so tiny that no one can see without special help. These gears provide decent defensive and offensive bonuses - but more important is their ability to overcome damage. Unless completely disintegrated, the machinery will repair itself. To represent this, re-roll any damaging save throw once every hour. When it is successful, the metal has fully repaired itself of that damage. For this reason, Mechanium is normally found in objects other than weapons or armor.

Be aware, the modrons of Mechanus are very protective of the sources of this metal. They consider it alive. Is it?