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Cost: Unpurchasable
Weight: Normal
AC: Normal
Magic: +0
Attack: Normal
Damage: None
Init: Normal

Neutralite is a decidedly unique metal used mostly by diplomats.

Neutralite appears to be normal steel. Most wish it was. Neutralite holds the force of neutrality within it, which is a curse to most planewalkers as we know their desire for violence. Neutralite in any amount on a person has two effects: The owner can neither cause damage nor take damage in combat. The owner can hack away at an enemy all day and never seem to pierce their skin - and vice versa as well. The same holds true for magical attacks. Even creativity is not awarded - causing a rockslide on one's enemies will simply result in a large number of rocks to bounce off the now protected opponent. It isn't known exactly where this metal comes from, although the Outlands are strongly suspected. As such, no mines have ever been located and no raw supply of this metal has ever been found. Perhaps items of this substance are an extension of Concordant Opposition itself. Perhaps.