AC: 9
HD: 8
Move: 120'(40)
Attacks: 2(swords) or see below
Damage: 1d8+4/1d8+4 or see below
# Appearing: 1d6(1d12)
Save As: F8
Moral: 10
Treasure: V
Intellegence: 1
Alignment: Any
XP: 1200
Frequency: VR
Terrain: Anywhere humans are found
Adaptors are a peculiar race to all planes of existence. They are very intellegent, and their ancient race has greater and wider knowledge than any sage, but their cultural philosiphy demands that they not pass their great knowledge between planes and human cultures. Instead, they travel and observe civilization throughout the planes, exchanging information only amoung themselves.
Adaptors are naturally (nonmagical) polymorphs, able to change into the form of any creature of human or demihuman size. they also change color after they adapt to an attack. They are travelers, rarely staying anywhere for more than three days, and able to enter and leave other planes at will.
These creatures have the ability to adapt-to to alter thewir physical structure to survive in any eviroment. once exposed to any type of magical attack, then they become immune to it; for example, a lightmning bolt would inflict full or half damage when first used against it, but all electrical attacks would thereafter have no effect. The adaptation fades away in 1d10 turns if not used.
In combat, adaptors are skilled at swordplay (2 attacks per round, +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls). If the DM wishes, he can have an adaptor protect itself with fantastic devices which the PCs cannot comprehend or use (if desired, designed by the DM). Examples might include a flame tube, trance inducer, or energy neutralizer.
Adaptors are not the same as dopplegangers; they cannot turn into duplicates of specific people.