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Ape, Snow

AC:           6 
HD:           3+1(M)
Move:         90' (30')
Attacks:      1 club/1 hug
Damage:       1d6/2d6
# Appearing:  0 (2d10)
Save As:      F3
Moral:        7 (11)
Treasure:     K
Intellegence: 4
Alignment:    CN
XP:           50
Frequency:    R
Terrain:      Arctic, Mountains (cold).

Snow apes are squat, babboonlike cratures with shaggy white fur. they are somewhat intellegent, and often make simple tools like clubs or sarpened bones. They canot, however; grasp more complicated concepts, such as the use of a bow and arrow.

Because of threir camoflauge, they are extremely difficult to se in snowy conditions (surpriseing on a 1-4). The snoew pe uses one arm to attack with a weapon and attempts to hug its victem with the other. Because the smnow ape is sostrong, any creature caught in its hug takes 2d6 points of damage each round until freed. The ape will maintain its hug until it is slain orits moralfails.

Although generally reclusive, the snow ape is clever and cruel, prefering to ambush its victems wheneer possible. If trappped or cornered, te snow ape fights viciously (use the morale in parentheisi in this cases). Slthough they cannot make intellegible sounds, snow apes communicate with each other using a complex sign language. In addition, snow apes often leavce messages for each other using a system of stacked rocks and snowballs
Snow apes are omnivorous; tey like giant insects and red meat (such as hunmans), but will not attavck very large monsters or very large parties. They live in snowy mountain forsests and do no need to take shelter except in the worst snowstorms.