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Ape, White

AC:           6
HD:           4(M)
Move:         120' (40')
Attacks:      2 claws or 1 rock
Damage:       1d4/1d4 or 1d6
# Appearing:  1d6 (2d4)
Save As:      F2
Moral:        7
Treasure:     nil
Intellegence: 2
Alignment:    N
XP:           75
Frequency:    R
Terrain:      Cavern, Hill, Mountain, Ruin.

White apes have lost their color due to many years of living in caves.They are nocturnal herbavores, looking for fruits and vegetables at night.

They do not go out of their way to attack characters; if appoached by humans and demi-humans and given a chance to flee, they will do so. Bt if a creature approaches their lair, the apes will threaten the intruders. If their threats are ignored, they will attack. They may throw 1 stone per round for 1d6 points each.

White apes are not intellegent and are sometimes kept as pets by Neanderthals (cavemen). Normally, in the wild, they live in caves in family groups of 2-8 members.