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AC:              0
HD:              14* (L)
Move:            180' (60')
Attacks:         4
Damage:          2d12/2d12/2d12/2d10+poison (special)
# Appearing:     1d3 (1d6)
Save As:         F14
Moral:           7
Treasure:        I
Intellegence:    8
Alignment:       Chaotic
XP:              2,500
Frequency:       Rare
Terrain:         Hills, Mountain, Woods

Athachs are humanoid and stand 18' tall. Each has hideous but recognizable features, a malformed body, and a third arm in the center of its chest. 

These hugemonsters are quite stupid and illtempered. They live in small families, sheltering in caves, and beating on one another when not hunting for meat. (They consider humans to be meat.) They love gems and jewelry and, if an offer is good enough, will accept such in return for not attacking travelers.

Athachs attack by bashing their opponents with thick tree stumps or stones and biting with their gnarled, poisonous teeth. Any victem bitten must make a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty or be helpless for 1d6 turns.