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Golem, Wood

AC:              7
HD:              2+2 (S)
Move:            120' (40')
Attacks:         1 fist
Damage:          1d8
# Appearing:     1 (1)
Save As:         F1
Moral:           12
Treasure:        Nil
Intellegence:    4
Alignment:       Neutral
XP:              35
Frequency:       Rare
Terrain:         Variable

Golems can only be damaged by magic or magical weapons. They are also immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as all gases (since they do not breathe). 

Crude manlike figures about 3' tall, they move stiffly, with a penalty of -1 on initiative rolls. They burn easily, with a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs. fire, and all such attaks gain +1 poit per die of damage. They are immune to all cold-based attacs and all missile fire, including magic missile spells.

Load: 500cn x HD at full movemen rate, or 1000 cn x its HD at half movement rate.