The History of Metal Gear
By Brad Shoemaker
Silence. You stand guard as posted,
occasionally shifting your weight from one foot
to the other. Cradling your rifle, you lazily scan
the surroundings for the enemy. Was that
movement in the shadows? An intruder? No,
probably just a rat, or perhaps your imagination.
You resign yourself to an uneventful watch and
begin to let your guard down. Suddenly, from
behind, powerful arms close over your neck. In
less than a second, your larynx is crushed,
defeating your attempt to scream. Your head is
jerked sideways. You vaguely hear the grisly
snap of your own neck, and as your world
fades to black, you realize he's as good as the
legends say....
Solid Snake, badass superspy extraordinaire,
has had the most illustrious career this side of 007. Averting global
nuclear destruction is all in a day's work for Snake, who commands
the starring role in Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear series, now one of the
most popular franchise properties in video gaming. Metal Gear
offsets the run-and-gun attitude of most action-adventure games by
introducing an element of stealth; a full frontal assault with guns
blazing means a quick "Game Over." Kojima combines this unique
gameplay with stylish cinematic presentation and a fair dose of
political intrigue, and the result is the closest thing available to a real
spy movie on a video game console.
Solid Snake wasn't always so famous, though, nor, in the beginning,
did he and his surroundings look quite so good. Join GameSpot as
we take a look at Solid Snake's past exploits, from his humble
beginnings on a little-known computer system, through his rise to
stardom in Metal Gear Solid, and finally to his almost universally
accepted role as the biggest deal at the 2000 Electronic
Entertainment Expo.
GameSpot's History of Metal Gear
Soundtrack: "MG Password Screen"
Designed By: Collin Oguro