White: Peter Myers
Black: Equitable Brown
National Chess Championship
Date: 8/8/2001
1. c4
White starts with the English Opening, what else?.
1...Nf6 2. Nf3
Here we go again, the Kings Indian Attack.
2...b6 3. d4
Nothin unusual so far.
3...Ba6 ?!
Believe it or not, with this move I felt the game was over, it was just a matter of time. This Bishop had no use at a6. There was no way black could get back into the game with proper play from white. Better was 3...e6 followed by 4...Bb7
4. Qc2
White continues his development while protecting the pawn under attack.
4...e6 5. g3 Bb7
With this move Black acknowledges his error. Unfortunately he is now two moves behind.
6. Bg2 Be7 7. O-O O-O 8. Nc3 c5?!
Black needs to prepare a d5 pawn push. Probably better was 8...Nc6 followed by an eventual d5.
White seems to fear locking in his bishop at b7 with d5.
9. d5
White was not about to allow a d5 push by black, what better way to stop d5 by your opponent than to play it yourself!
9...exd5 10. Ng5 g6?!
Black needs to develop, his knight at b8 needs to be released. Nc6 was quite fine here followed by.
11. cxd5 d6
Forced, Black has to prevent d6 by white.
12. h4
A very devious move. At first sight it appears to help to bolster the position of the Knight, but in fact it is also in preparation for a Kingside assault.
At last, some relief for the Knight.
13. f4
Another devious move, apparently intended to keep the Black Knight from e5..
Here black had very little room to maneuver, so he tried to do a little house keeping.
14.f5 Ne5 15. fxg6 hxg6 16. Bf4 N5g4 17. h5
The most devious move of all. Black is forced to take with the g6 pawn, but taking with the Knight seems so obvious. It keeps the Kingside relatively in tact and it unleashes a double attack on whites knight at g5.
18. Ne6!
Its all downhill for black from here. He is now forced to drop the exchange to protect his King.
Better was 18...Qd7 19.Nxf8 Rxf8 20.Bh3 g5 21.Bd2
19. Qxg6+ Ng7 20. Qxg4 e5 21. Bh6 Rxf1+ 22. Rxf1 Bf8 23. Be4
The final salvo!
23...Bc8 24. Qg6
Black Resigns.