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Middlesex vs The West

The Western Chess Association (WCA) has challenged the Middlesex Chess Network (MCN) to a Challenge Match. Though the details of the challenge have not been finalized, the probable format is as follows:

Both sides will put forward a slate of approximately 15-20 of their best players, Boards 1-15(20), who will play their counterpart Boards from the other team.

Female players will be paired with each other as far as possible, teachers from schools will also be pitted against each other and the big clash will see the two Vice Presidents of the Jamaica Chess Federation in charge of each region playing each other!

The contestants will be vying for the Regional Chess Trophy.

The main detail which still has to be worked out is the venue, i.e. who will be the home team, or whether it will be on a home and away basis.

Each team will be allowed to use players from the parishes within their regions, the Middlesex team will be made up of players from Clarendon, St. Catherine, St. Mary, St. Ann and Manchester. The Western team will be made up of players from Trelawny, St. James, Hanover, Westmoreland and St. Elizabeth.

The proposed date is early April 2001.

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