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Six Months after Mega Man defeated Dr. Wily in Mega Man (1), Wily returned with this time, 8 of his own creations to destroy Mega Man and take over the World!


Mega Man 2 actually started his popularity over the Video Game world. Mega Man 2 was the first in the Mega Man series that featured Password feature and a Diffuculty setting between Medium and Hard i believe. Mega Man 2 also got upgraded a little with better looking backgrounds, and better looking sprites. Not to mention that Dr. Light also help Mega Man out with special equipment to help Mega Man on his quest. Mega Man 2 is pretty much every Mega man's fans favorite game.

  • (SCORE 3 1/2 OUT OF 5)

    Robot Masters in Mega Man 2


    Metalman is one tough cookie. Metalman will use his Metal Saws and throw them at ya while jumping in the air. However, Wily somehow messed up on him, by giving him Armor that his own weapon can weaken.


    Airman is dangerous, he feels better in the sky and destroying his foes with his Twin Tornado attack which will blow anyone away plus use his huge fan built in his torso to create and fleet of Tornados!


    Heatman is one of the weirdest looking Robot Master in Wily's Army. Heatman looks like a Zippo Lighter (heck he could be the Zippo Mascot, if Capcom sell Heatman to them). But seeing that Heatman looks like a Zippo, he can attack ya with his Fire Wall attack which he shoots out a flame that lands on the ground and flames up into a wall!


    Flashman is the master of Time in Wily's Army. Flashman will use his Time Device to freeze time and run up to his oppenents blasting them with his Blaster that similar to Mega Man's Mega Buster.


    Bubbleman is the best in Underwater only, cuz he can't walk well on land with Webbed feet. However Bubbleman can swin well underwater and use his Bubble Gun to take out his foes!


    Crashman is dangerous, He will use his Crash Bombs that are shot out of his Cannons on his arms that get stuck on his foes and blow up in less than 5 seconds!


    Woodman is another dummy in Wily's Army, He made more out of Wood then out of Smarts. Woodman uses his Leaf Sheild to protect himself from attacks then shoots the shield out at his foes to cut them with the shield's razor leafs


    Quickman with out a shadow of a doubt is the quickest Robot Master out there. Quickman uses his Speed, plus the Boomerang on his head and throws it at the enemy to take them out!

    Tips, Tricks, and Cheats

  • All Weapons
  • For all weapons and items plus four energy tanks, enter the password "A5 B2 B4 C1 C3 C5 D4 D5 E2".

  • Birds Background
  • Alfred Hitchcock fans rejoice. Mega Man goes to the birds with this code. When selecting a boss, hold A to turn the stars in the background into flying birds.

  • Boss Stratagies
  • To beat every enemy, follow this:
  • AirMan........beat with Wood
  • BubbleMan.....beat with Metal
  • CrashMan......beat with Air
  • FlashMan......beat with Crash
  • HeatMan.......beat with Bubble
  • MetalMan....beat with X-bust or Metal(glitch but it works)
  • QuickMan......beat with 1/2 flash and 1/2 X-bust
  • WoodMan.......beat with Metal or full charge of heat
  • MovinShooters.beat with Metal
  • WallShooters..beat with Crash
  • Dragon........beat with Quick
  • Wiley Alien...beat with Bubble

  • Long Jumps
  • If you pause in the middle of a jump, you'll reset Mega Man's downward velocity. If you press Start rapidly at the height of a jump, you can coast for long distances. This also makes Mega Man "phase out", causing most bullets to fly through you without harm.

  • Password for Dr. Wily's Castle
  • To skip to the fourth level of Dr. Wily's castle, enter the password "A1 B2 B4 C1 C5 D1 D3 E3 E5".

  • Villain Defeat Passwords
  • Flash Man:A2, C1, C2, C5, D3, E1, E2, E3
  • Wood Man:A2, C2, C4, C5, D3, D4, E1, E2, E3
  • Air Man:A2, C2, C4, C5, D4, E1, E2, E3, E4
  • Metal Man:A4, B1, B3, C4, D1, D2, E1, E3, E4
  • Bubble Man:A4, B1, B3, C4, D2, D4, E1, E3, E4
  • Crash Man:A4, B1, B3, C4, D2, D3, D4, E1, E3
  • Heat Man:A1, B2, C1, C4, C5, D1, D3, E3, E5
  • Quick Man:A2, B1, B3, B5, C2, D1, D2, D4, E4


    Mega Man Game Info Section