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Yet again another 6 Months has passed after Mega Man foiling Wily's plans one again. This time Light has created Gamma Crystals, and powerful enery source, but Wily is back and has stolen them to power his new 8 Robot Masters. Mega Man is back on the scene with his new partner, Rush, his robotic dog!


Mega Man 3 however nothing new graphic wise has changed in the game from Mega Man 2. However Mega Man 3 dawn two new characters, Rush, Mega Man's robotic sidekick dog, and Break Man who found out later to be called Proto Man, Mega Man brother and prototype to Mega Man and the six Robot Master from Mega Man (1). Mega Man 3 also made it a little harder for players by after beating the 8 robot master you had to fight the ones from Mega Man 2.

  • (SCORE 3 OUTTA 5)

    Robot Master from Mega Man 3


    Geminiman is one of Wily's favorite creations. Geminiman can use a spitting techinque where he spits into two and uses his Gemini Beam to destoy his foes!


    Snakeman is the first Robot Master to be name from a type of Animal. Snakeman shoots out Robotic Snakes from his cannon that runs to it's victim and chops them down to size!


    Sparkman is like Elecman, but more Machine like. Sparkman uses his Conducter Poles to create Electric Sparks to shoot out and shock his foes!


    Magnetman is the Master of Magnetism (not Magneto from X-Men, i think Magnetman would wipe the floor with Magneto!) Magnetman shoots out Explosive Magnets and magnetize to his foes and blow up, plus he can pull his foes toward him to give them the final blow!


    Needleman will turn his oppenents into living pincusions by using his Cannons on both arms that shoots out large needle and stabs his foes!


    Topman is the spinning fanatic in Wily's Army of Robots. Topman uses the wheels on his feet to spin and hit his enemy, plus also creationg Spinning Tops to fling at his foes!


    Shadowman is Wily's skilled Nija on his Squad. Shadowman can move quick in the shadows and throw huge Ninja Stars at his victims


    Gutsman...Woodman...and now Hardman! Stupid is as stupid does, huh Dr. Wily. Hardman of course is Dumb and slow but pack a punch with his Hard Punch attack where he shoot out his Fist at his foes, plus he has almost instructable armor.

    Tips, Tricks, and Cheats

  • Freeze the Robot Masters
  • This code will freeze the enemy robot masters. First, let the robot master come to the ground, then wait for their energy to fill up completely. When the robot master begins to move, hold UP and A on controller 2. This will freeze the robot master where he is and you can shoot him at your leisure. NOTE: Try to freeze the robot master when he is on the ground because neither person will be able to move but, Mega Man will be able to shoot.

  • Game Genie Codes
  • aenkkaza 1 life ienkkaza 6 lives aenkkaze 9 lives PAOONPZA 1 life after continue IAOONPZA 6 lives after continue AAOONPZE 9 lives after continue aeegxlpa Infinite lives yeukotga Mega-jumping MegaMan(tm) asxstlgp Longer slides nnkialee Speedy slides gxvaaasa Infinite energy NYKGXSGK Faster MegaMan zakgnipa Mega fast MegaMan

  • High Jump
  • For extra jumping power, hold Right on Controller Two while jumping.

  • Invincibility
  • If you do the high jump trick press RIGHT on controller 2 while playing and jump into a pit, you do not die, and can walk around in it. Once in the pit, keep jumping in and out, and eventually your energy will drain but you will still be alive. You are now invincible. Jump out of the pit and your enrgy will stay down... you do not need to keep holding RIGHT on C2. Note: If you pick up any energy items or use an Energy Tank, you will no longer be invincible...and you can still die if you fall on spikes. If you have trouble using it, try releasing RIGHT once you are in the pit for a second.

  • Passwords
  • These passwords should rush you along.
  • All weapons, All Items, 9 ETs, no Doc Robots Blue: A3 B5 D3 F4 Red: A6
  • All weapons, All Items, 9ETs, Dr. Wily Stage 1 Blue: A1 A3 B2 B5 D3 F4 Red: A6 E1
  • Spark Man defeated Red: C5, F4
  • Snake Man defeated Red: C5, F6
  • Needle Man defeated Red: D3, E6 (Rush Jet Included)
  • Hard Man defeated Red: C4, E6
  • Top Man defeated Red: A3, C5
  • Gemini Man defeated Red: B5, C5
  • Magnet Man defeated Red: C5, F5
  • Shadow Man defeated Red: C5, D6 (Rush Marine Included)
  • No matter what password you put in, you can always make C-5 red to have 5 energy cylinders.

  • Slow Motion
  • To slow portions of the game to a crawl, hold Up on Controller Two while playing.


  • Music Remix
  • At the title screen, highlight the "enhanced" version of the game and hold down both select and start until the title screen for Rockman 3 comes up. Some of the stage tunes will be remixed.


    Mega Man Game Info Section