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Dr. Wily has been gone for a long time now and the Wolrd seem at peace, until a Russian Scientist Dr. Cossack goes crazy and gets jeleaous of Dr. Light and his creation Mega Man, so him and his 8 Robotic Men head out to take over the world and follow in Wily's footsteps! Mega Man is gonna have a hard time that why Dr. Light upgraded Mega Man's Mega Buster to charge up and blast his oppenent with a huge blast!


Mega Man 4 however has improved the Mega Man series by having Mega Man charge his Mega Buster, also the graphics have improved a little, plus it's the first in the series that actually show a Prelude in the beginning with which was pretty cool and gave the player a more understanding of whats going on. Mega Man 4 was pretty good. But didn't become the best.

  • (SCORE 3 OUT OF 5)

    Robot Master in Mega Man 4


    Brightman is a High Wattage robot. Brightman will use the Lightbulb on his head to flash and blind his enemy, then run up and take him out!


    Diveman is like the living submarine underwater. Diveman will use his heat seeking Dive Missile to wipe his oppenent clear out of the ocean for good!


    Skullman I think is preety cool looking Robot Master. Skullman has the same type of weapon that Woodman did back in Mega Man 2 where he uses his Skull Shield to protect himself and shoot it out, Knocking his foes senseless!


    Drillman is a Drilling Robot. Drillman drills underground and comes up outta nowhere and shoots out his Drill at his arch-rivals.


    Pharoahman, the king of the Desert hides out in his Pyramid. Pharoahman shoot out his Napalm attack to burn and scorch his foe!


    Next in the stupid Robot Master line-up, it's Toadman. Toadman has the I.Q. of a Toad and uses his Acid Rain attack to melt everything in sight! including Mega Man!


    Ringman is like Quickman in a way but Ring Man flings his Razor Sharp Rings and his victim.


    Dustman is a dangerous one. Dustman uses the Vaccumm on top of his head to suck in anything and shoot it out at this foes. The manily scuks up Junk!

    Tips, Tricks, and Cheats

  • All Weapons and Items
  • For all weapons and items, enter the password "A1 A4 B5 E2 F1 F3".

  • Free Pharaoh Shots
  • To kill with the Pharaoh Shot without using energy, power up a shot, then hit something while the shot is still building. Press Start then resume play and power up the shot again. Repeat as needed.

  • Secret Weapons
  • In Dive Man's level,after beating the second whale, there should be a hole nearby. Fall in it and dodge all the spikes to find the Wire Power. This power allows you you to hang on the ceiling and hit enemies for fair damage. In Pharoah Man's level, instead of entering the first hole, use the R.Coil to jump over it. Go past the desert to find the Baloon Power. This allows you to release balloons that you can jump on.


    Mega Man Game Info Section