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About a year after Mega Man foiling Dr. Wily's plans for the 5th time, Dr. Light and Mega Man head to a International Robot Expo. During the Expo, a mysterious man calling himself Mr. X stole 8 of world's greatest Robots to take over the world. Mega Man was on the job once again.


Mega Man 6 was produced by Nintendo, but was created by Capcom, however I never recalling seeing Capcom logo anywhere on the box or game? Anywho Mega Man 6 was way, way off. Too many bizzare Robot Masters reason being because they where from all over the world. Plus the game after a while got a little boring. However it introduced the Rush Jet Backpack where Rush combines with Mega Man to make him fly. Also Super Arm Mega Man, where Rush turn into Battle Armor for Mega Man and uses a Hard Punch attack to crush his foes. However the storyline and the Mr. X gimmick was too much for any Mega Man fan.

  • (SCORE 1 1/2 OUT OF 5)

    Robot Masters in Mega Man 6


    Blizzardman was created in a lab around the polar ice caps. Blizzardman uses his Ski's to Dash and hit his enemies, and Create Snow Storms to blow his foes away!


    Flameman was created in India. Flameman uses the pack on his back to shoot out Oil then burn it to make a Inferno to burn the heck outta anyone.


    Yamatoman was created, I belive in China. Yamatoman follow in the Chinese tradition to it huge fleet of soldiers. He throws huge spears at his victim and uses techiques like the Yamatos did in the early days!


    Plantman was made in the Amazon Rainforest. He looks like a Folwer and his joked on about it. But Plant will whip ya with his Vine Attack and use his Flower Shield to protect himself.


    Windman it looks like was made in Russia. Windman is simlar to Airman from Mega Man 2, but has twin fans on each shoulder causing more damge than ever before! (Did ya know that Windman was created by someone in the U.S. who entered him in a create your own Robot Master contest for Mega Man 6?)


    Tomahawkman was created in the western part of the United States. Tomahawkman follows the ways of his Indian tribe. He uses his Tomahwak to chop anything in two and has razor-tip feathers on his Helmet that shoots out!


    Knightman was made in Europe. Knightman follow his timeline back the the Medievil Times. He uses his Mace to strike down anyone, and his Shield to protect himself from harm. (Knightman was also a winner in the create your own Robot Master for Mega Man 6)


    Centaurman was created in Ancient Greece. Back in Greek times, Centaurs where part human, part horse. They where only myths and fables`. But Centaurman is real. He can disappear and lose you, then reappear and attack, knocking you out cold!

    Tips, Tricks, and Cheats

  • All Weapons and Items
  • For all weapons and items, enter the password "B6 D4 F2 F4 F6".

  • Finding the Energy Balancer
  • Go to the Tomahawk Man stage. Somewhere in this level there are two paths: the top one leads to the left ladder, and the bottom path leads to the right ladder. Take the top path. After going up that ladder, there should be a ladder that is above spikes. Change into Power Mega Man first. Jump on the ladder, and climb on the lowest rung without falling. Chage up the Mega Buster and fire at the block with the cracks in it. Now jump onto that open platform and slide under. There you will meet Proto Man. With the energy balancer that he gives you, it automatically recharges your lowest weapon energy when you touch a weapon capsule.

  • Use Beat
  • If you win enough letters to spell "BEAT" you can use Beat. Beat is a robot bird that kills everything in its path for minimal energy.


    Mega Man Game Info Section