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Dr. Wily after losing to Mega Man again, creates a new Robot Master called King. King after bbeing activated turned on Dr. Wily and stole 8 of his Robot Master to take over the world. Dr. Wily was so furious called Bass to go out and stop King, later on when King's robots attacked the city Mega Man was called out. Now Mega Man and his arch-rival Bass has one goal in common, stop King!


First off, Rockman & Forte was never released in the U.S. only in Japan. Mega Man when from 32-Bit back to 16-Bit for some reason. Anywho, Rockman & Forte has the sprites used from Mega Man 8 in it. The great thing about this game is you can choose to be Mega Man or Bass. The Gameplay rocks and the Music and soungs are okay. Rockman & Forte is alot of fun and very addicitive.

  • (SCORE 4 1/2 OUT OF 5)

    Robot Masters in Rockman & Forte


    Coldman looks a little like a small fridge. Anyways Coldman can make a Snow Storm in a second causing anything around him to freeze, plus he can create Snow clouds that traps his foes in them.


    Dynamoman uses it's lightning poles on it's back to gain energy by shooting out sparks to fried his foes!


    Groundman is a drilling robot that can burrow underground and come up to suprise his enemies and to drill them to death!


    Pirateman is the head-pirate of the sea. Pirateman will swap the poop-deck with ya with his Harpoons and bad temper!


    Burnerman is engrade with Hate and fire. Don't make him mad because he will charge at ya and Burn you straight to the ground! (Is it me or in the game does Burnerman look like in the Stage Select, a little like Zero from Mega Man X???)


    Magicman is a illusionist. Watch out because Magicman has a few explosive aces up his sleeve.


    Tenguman is back from Mega Man 8, Dr. Wily liked Tenguman so much he rebuilt him, until King stole him. Now Tenguman works for King only!


    Astroman is aslo back from Mega Man 8. I guess dr. Wily like him too and rebuilt him. But King took him as well!

    Tips, Tricks, and Cheats

  • Bosses' Weaknesses and Boss Order
  • The best order to fight the bosses in is:
  • Rockman - Cold, Burner, Pirate, Ground, Tengu, Magic, Astro, Dynamo
  • Forte - Ground, Tengu, Magic, Astro, Dynamo, Cold, Burner, Pirate

  • ColdMan - Use Rock Buster
  • AstroMan - Use Magic Card
  • GroundMan - Use Remote Mine
  • BurnerMan - Use Ice Wall
  • PirateMan - Use Wave Burner
  • DynamoMan - Use Copy Vision
  • TenguMan - Use Spread Drill
  • MagicMan - Use Tengu Blade

  • ColdMan - Lightnig Bolt
  • AstroMan - Use Magic Card
  • GroundMan - Use Forte Buster
  • BurnerMan - Use Ice Wall
  • PirateMan - Use Wave Burner
  • TenguMan - Spread Drill
  • MagicMan - Use Tengu Blade

  • Move Translator
  • Press Down + B - Slide
  • Hold Y - Charge Rock Buster
  • Release Y - Use Mega Rock Buster

  • Press B twice - Double Jump
  • A - Dash
  • A + B + direction - Longer Jump
  • Hold Y - Forte Buster (rapid fire)
  • While holding Y, move + Pad - Aim


    Mega Man Game Info Section