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Ravage Roaming

D1 Crypt of Korbu [Dungeon]
D2 Church of Eep [Dungeon]
D3 Balthazar Lair [Dungeon]
  a: Entrance before draining the Lair
  b: Entrance after draining
D4 Barbarian Fortress [Dungeon]
One crate on top of the NO crate pile of the outside area contains an artifact.
D5 Entrance to Plane of Water [Map]
 1 Ship: Tu, Th, Sa  Ravenshore, We Shadowspire
 2 Bounty for Horn of Wyvern 1500 Gold
 3 Bull's Eye Inn - Tavern
Skills: Disarm Trap, Perception
 4 Vish's House: Info
 5 Pordo's Hovel: Info
 6 Potion of pure Accuracy for delivering the Ingredients
 7 Sail's Shack: Info
 8 Buy Ground Wyvern Horn, Sell Forged Vouchers
 9 Obelisk # 4
10 Test (random) - 100 of the attribute required
11 Mind Resistance Pedestal
12 Rock with treasure
13 6 chests with the treasure of Dread Pirate Stanley,
one of them contains the Artifact Judicious Measure


Crypt of KorbuChurch of EepBalthazar LairBarbarian FortressEntrance to Plane of Water
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