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Worshiping on Imperial.

it's my hope that those of you who who are trying to deside what god to worship, will find this part of the site will be helpful.

Worshiping may have both good and bad side effects.
Changing your worship may upset your god or goddess, causing them to reduce your current hp to 1, and reduce your mana and move to 0.

Pacting information is comming soon. If you have any information to send, please do so.. if I still haven't gotten the e-mail links to work, please send to
On the same topic I'm also collecting info on Souls, what happens when someone who's pacted has died. Please send info on these to the same e-mail address above.

Inquisitors click here.
Healers click here.
Pacters click here. (under construction)
Checking up on souls click here. (under construction)
