Getting started
Shoot everything and collect corpses to fill your vat before the time runs out.
Remember to keep an eye out for those carelessly discarded pieces of military hardware -
they may come in handy for those hilarious multiple kill shots or for the pure joy of
seeing a perfect 'gib'.
Also don`t forget that your prey in NFK lead their own lives (well as near to real as a
polygon and texture creation can) so be prepared to see them eating each other as well as
getting it on to create more hapless victims for your meat obsession!
Have fun and try to stay at the top of the food chain :-)
Use the cursor (arrow) keys to move - you can also use W,A,S,D
Use the mouse to look around
Right shift key (or space) pressed with a cursor key make you run
Left mouse button, left shift key or insert on the key pad fires your gun
Right mouse button aims (cursor keys zoom in and out)
Keys 1-4 change weapons
Keys 7-9 make animal noises (to attract prey)