Casas De La Medics

Casa de NCO

This sleeping area has been affectionately labeled "Casa de NCO." Many of us have the same setup. At the head of the cot, you can see someone's boonie cap on a black footlocker (that's where we keep most of our clothing). The floor area is covered with some handmade prayer rugs. They're rather colorful and provide a tiny area where we can walk barefoot without getting too dusty. The canvas, folding chairs are a MUST for comfort; the local shoppette was sold out of these chairs for the first few weeks of our deployment. Now, just about everyone has one.In the second picture, you can see the proud inhabitants of Casa de NCO lounging in their chairs: the NCO on the left (as you are looking at the picture) is SGT Taylor Leblanc, the NCO on the right happens to be the current NCOIC (NCO in charge) of the FAS, SGT Shane Whitney. A child's eye might notice the exquisite artwork hanging along the walls. Those of us with rugrats get these fabulous pieces of art in the mail from time to time.
Casa de LEMs

Not to be outdone, the lower enlisted members (LEMs) christened their sleeping area "Casa de LEM". That's PFC Adrian Arriola flashing the peace sign in front of the LEM sign.

The Main Aid Station Crew

Meet the medics of the MAS!
SGT Raymond Persaud is the NCOIC of this motley crew.

SGT Travis Jacobs is an aspiring candidate for PA school.

PV2 Jeremy Cook shows off his new TV (background).

PVT Eric Walters shows off his unauthorized Mohawk haircut.

PFC Michael Khan is on loan to us from 2-70 Armor Battalion.

The Forward Aid Station Crew

Here are just a few of the medics in the FAS!
PFC Manuel Tapia ponders the meaning of life.

PV2 Hopkins listens to some tunes.

PFC Jeremy Hale is lounging in his easy chair.

PFC James Dortmundt, also on loan from 2-70, enjoys a ride on the Blackhawk.

Laundry Day

At the beginning of our deployment, many things were not functioning as smoothly as anticipated. Among these was the laundry service. Before it could all be worked out, many of us had piled up quite a bit of dirty underwear! These two guys got tired of flipping their underwear and socks inside out and decided to take matters into their own hands... literally!

SSG Dwayne Bell

1LT Joseph Estrada

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