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Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros.


Donkey Kong
C. Falcon

See Moves


Peach's Castle- Watch out for the bumper that floats above this stage.
Congo Jungle- The moving barrel beneath the stage can save you, if you get knocked off.
Hyrule Castle- A tornado spins about the stage wreaking whatever is in it's path.
Planet Zebes- Anyone who touches the sea of acid will be severely damaged.
Yoshi's Island- You can land on the clouds in this stage, but they won't hold up for long.
Dream Land- Beware of the wind that blows. It just might blow you away.
Sector Z- An Arwing flies past, shooting lasers across the stage.
Saffron City- Wild Pokemon appear in the middle of the city to attack the fighters.
Mushroom Kingdom- Go into a pipe to come out another. Hit the POW to launch everyone touching the ground into the air. If you stay on the scale in the center of the stage for too long, it will fall off.


Beam Sword
Star Rod
Green Shell
Red Shell
Motion Sensor Bomb
Poke Ball
Home Run Bat
Ray Gun
Fire Flower
Paper Fan
Maximum Tomato
Heart Container
Hidden Stuff

Luigi- Beat "Break the Targets" with each character.
C. Falcon- Beat the main game under twenty minutes
Ness- With only three lives, beat main game on normal
Jigglypuff- Beat main game
Item Switch- Play VS Mode fifty times
Mushroom Kingdom- Beat the main game with each character
Sound Test- Beat "Break the Targets" and "Board the Platforms" with every character (Including hidden characters.)

1) What is Kirby's most powerful attack? A. Final Cutter B. Rock Shield C. Vacuum D. Kick
2) If this character's shield breaks, they get killed. Who is it? A. Fox B. Kirby C. D.K. D. Jigglypuff
3) Which character can walk with a barrel? A. Mario B. C. Falcon C. D.K. D. Link
4) Which character uses bombs? A. Samus B. Ness C. Luigi D. Both A and C
5) What level, in multiplayer, is Polygon in? A. Saffron City B. Mushroom Kingdom C. Planet Zebes D. None of the above
6) Which shield can double the power of attacks? A. Rock Shield B. Reflector Shield C. Psi Magnet D. Shield
7) Which item, activates itself without anything touching it? A. Motion Sensor Bomb B. Bumper C. Poke Ball D. Bob-omb
8) Which character is wearing armor? A. Capt. Falcon B. Fox C. Samus D. Link
9) What is Kirby's throw move called? A. Piledriver B. Dive C. Slurp 'N' Burp D. Monster Toss
10) Which item recovers up to 100% on your Damage Meter? A. Heart Container B. Maximum Tomato C. Star D. Star Rod
*11) The first time you use it, how much damage does D.K.'s Giant Punch do? A. 27% B. 30% C. 33% D. 36%

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use Ness's baseball bat to reflect "Projectile Attacks."

  2. Smash B + sideways, to throw Link's boomerang much farther.

  3. When hanging on to a ledge, press down then jump, to get on the platform faster.

  4. In Hyrule Castle, stand on the green structure. Being Fox, throw a bumper up in the air and start reflecting it. The numbers on your Damage Meter will go sky high after your shield breaks and you hit the bumper.

  5. In Sector Z, fire Samus's Charge Shot between two Foxes and then jump out of the way. Reflect the Charge Shot twice, then let a fox get hit by it. The attack does a lot of damage.

  6. Fire Samus's Charge Shot at another Samus. Pause the game as soon as it hits, to see Samus without her armor.

  7. In Training Mode, put four Red Shells in the same spot, so it looks like there is only one. Play as Mario, and make your opponent DK. Make DK Stand. By walking into DK with Mario push him to the Red Shells. When you, DK, and the Red Shells are all in th exact same spot, quickly use Mario's Tornato. This will give you about 500 damage.

  8. Try the same trick as above, but use Green Shells instead to give DK 999 damage.

  9. On Training Mode, chose Pokemon Stadium. Put four Red Shells directly infront of the door where the Pokemon come out of. Now slowly walk into the door, and when a Pokemon comes out and attacks, the danage will go crazy. Also try this, and use Fox to reflect when a Pokemon comes out.

  10. In Hyrule Temple, stand under the green structure, and face the wall. Make sure you are in Training Mode. Now, chose a Beam Sword. It will make an irritating sound as it rolls of the stage.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Pommy 17


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