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This item gives you Power Bombs. They can blast through almost anything.

Remote bombs give you the power to detonate your bombs whenever you want to.

With a heart, you have to get hit twice by a bad guy to lose a life.

Gold Cards unlock things. The more you have the better.

With Custom Parts you can dress Bomberman with different clothes.

Warps, obviosly, warp you to different places.

Green Garden

Two Gold Cards are shown on the map. You'll get a fourth for beating 30 enemies and a fifth for finishing the stage within the target time. In the mini-boss and boss fights, your enemy will drop a total of four Gold Cards if you hit it right, plus a fifth if you beat it in the target time.

Stage 1

Stage 3

Blue Resort

Stages 1 & 3

Red Mountain

Stage 1

Stage 3

By collecting all 100 gold cards in the first five worlds, you will unlock another world in the main game.

In the multiplayer, you start of with six levels to play in. If you get all 120 gold cards in the main game, you will unlock four more multiplayer levels.

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To Pommy 17