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Welcome to Pommy 17's web site!

I am Pommy17 and this is my homepage. I have created many sites, and I would be really happy if you would visit them. I have an awesome Bomberman: The Second Attack site. It has many pictures, a quiz, and lots of info about the game. This is one of my favorite sites that I made. I also created a Bomberman site. (The first Bomberman.) This site has many detailed maps and really cool pictures. Third, I have a Super Smash Bros. site. It has many pictures, a quiz, tips and tricks, the characters' moves and a lot more cool stuff. After you see my Smash Bros. site, I have a Super Smash Bros. Melee site that I am making with a friend, Vejordan. This site is going to be one of our biggest sites. It covers everything you need to know about SSBM. It has pics, a slide show, animated gifs, movies, a contest, a quiz, polls, games, tons of info about the game, and all sorts of awesome stuff. You name it, we have it. Or we'll get it - the site is not 100% completed yet. Next, I made a Star Fox site. This site has a lot of special effects, pictures, and info. The sixth site is about Donkey Kong. It has a few pictures, but a lot of information. Seventh on the list, I have a Dragonball Z site which I made with Vejordan. This site is jam packed with amazing pictures, animated gifs, character bios, a chat room, 2 quizes, a contest and much much much more. This is one of my favorite sites that I made and the largest. We worked really hard on it, and we are still working on it, so please visit it and have a look around. Last, but not least, is Mew34's site which I designed for him. It has a very big quiz and many pictures. I hope you enjoy all the sites I created. Remember to go to all of them! Thanks for visiting. Come again soon!

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My Sites

Bomberman 2                                 Bomberman

Bomberman: The Second Attack! Bomberman

Super Smash Bros.            Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Brothers Melee

Star Fox                                           Donkey Kong

Star Fox Donkey Kong

Dragonball Z                            Pokemon

DBZ Mew 34's Pokemon

Reviews - Time Crisis 3

Time Crisis 3

Game Play – Basically, here’s how it works. You move by killing all the enemies on the screen. Once they’re all gone, you go to the next screen which has more enemies and so on. You can also duck, and hide away to avoid getting hit. While you’re ducking, you can’t be hurt. The only exception is, is that there is a timer ticking down, so if you stay in the same spot for too long, you will get a bit of damage. You will get used to the game play over a short period of time, if not instantly.

The Guncon2 can also be used like a controller, it allows you to duck, reload, and shoot, just like you would with a normal controller, but probably easier. The Guncon2 gives an arcade feeling to Time Crisis 3, and will probably excel your progress through the game.

There is also a nice variety of weapons and such, that are quite fun to pick and choose from when looking for the best way to destroy all your enemies. Your arsenal may include rocket launchers, machine guns, and more. When you first pick them up, they might not have very much ammo, but as you move on, you’ll pick some up along the way.

It doesn’t take very long to complete a game of Time Crisis 3, but it is extremely fun for those who like shooting games. Nothing really changes each time you play the game, which cuts down on the time you play it. The benefits of the two player mode add new dimensions to the game, and make it more interesting as well.

Story – The story is actually rather funny. There are some weird characters that don’t wear armor, yet are incredibly tough against those who are wearing armor. The dialogue that helps make up the story is also humorous. It flows nicely as part of the game. If you play through the game, you will unlock a second storyline, which adds to the replay value. It’s extremely amusing.

Graphics – The graphics in Time Crisis 3 are very good. There is nothing mind-blowing or anything, but it’s decent. It’s detailed; meaning that you will have no problem spotting your enemies and blowing then up. There is always a lot going on, which draws your attention away from the graphics, if you are at the head controller, as opposed to somebody sitting down and watching you play.

Sound – The sounds of gunshots, explosions, and people moaning are what you are most likely to hear as you play Time Crisis 3. Turn up the volume, and your entire house will be shaking from the sound, which actually is not so bad. The music is nothing spectacular. Sure, it’s there, and it does add a bit to the atmosphere around the game play.

Replay Value – Time Crisis 3 passes by sort of quickly. It’s not a very extensive game though there are things to unlock, and the two player games makes the replay value more worth while, it’s not one of those games that you’ll be playing for hours on end. Instead you’ll probably end up playing it with friends and by yourself when you first play it, unless of course you are truly a shooter type game fan.

Overall – As an amusing and enjoyable game, Time Crisis 3 won’t be one to miss out on. Even though the replay value is not so great, the base of the game is in its game play and story mode. Time Crisis 3 has earned itself 8.3 out of ten.

Other Sites

Pommy17's & Vejordan's Top Sites

The SSBM Galaxy Topsites

Gogeta689's dbz page


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