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Perfect Dark Strategy

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Mission 1: datadyne Central-Defection

1. Disable The Internal Security Hub

The institute has a equipped you with a powerful jamming device called a ECM minethat emits concentrated electronic white noise. Affix it to the enternal secuirity hub just inside the rooftop enclosure. The ECM mine's effect lasts long enough to get you into the the building.

2. Obtain the keycode necklace

kill the guards on the top floor get into thecassandra de vrie's. The CEO has the necklace you have to knock her out with your fists to get the necklace

3. Downloading Project files Go three floors down from the roof where you can find an unwilling assistant put him to gunpoint and he will show you the terminal

4. Disable the Enternal Comms Hub

In a room off the lobby there is a wall mounted terminal that gives you acsess to datadynes communications system tthe door likes like a ornately decorated wall.

5.Gain Entrance in to the Laboratory

Another decorated sliding door in the lobby leads to the labs elevator after you've completed the other objectives just kill the guards.

Datadyne Resarch- Investigation

1. holograph the radioactive isotope

you are supposed to take pictures of radioactive materials but it is too dangreous so use your remote controlled spy cam robot to to do it.

2.Start the secuirity maitenance cycle

there are 2 terminals near the weapons cache will reprogram the hovering matenence robots so make it so the robot goes through the secure passageways follow it and it will auotomatically turn of the lasers for you.

3. Shut down the experiements

go to the labs and kill the guards and make the scientists unplug the machines at gun point the third scientist will pull an alarm knock him out with your fists and unplug the machines your self.