The Following is The Rikk's uncut letter to Capcom.

Dear Capcom,

Before I begin this letter, let me say that Capcom is undoubtedly my favorite game producing company. The Mega Man series is timeless, Street Fighter will be around forever, and who could for get of coarse Resident Evil? Resident Evil was probably the most inspirational, revolutionary next generation game of all time. Which leads me to my point.

I recently purchased Resident Evil: -CODE: Veronica-. Kudos Capcom, another straight shooter. I could go on endlessly about what an improvement this game has made not only to it's series, but to the Dreamcast library as well. But seeing those few rooms in the antarctic base that the mansion in the original game were modeled after, truly made me long for...well a RESIDENT EVIL REMIX. Before you click the delete button right now and forget about this idea, PLEASE HEAR ME OUT.

I now you guys can't take outside game ideas because legal situations can arise. But this is not a new game idea, it's simply a suggestion.

If you go and look in the forum, you'll find a few old messages of people getting all excited about a Dreamcast version of the original R.E. packaged with Code Veronica. It's obvious this rumor got started when you released the screen shots of the few rooms in the game that resemble a few rooms in the original. Now I know you guys are probably trying to focus on the next Resident Evil, but you guys are the absolute masters of game remixes. Look at Street Fighter. There are countless Street Fighter games. Many of them are just supped up versions of previous versions.

Let me finally spit it out here, it is my belief (and many others' as I will try to prove to you) that you should consider releasing RESIDENT EVIL (The Original) on the Dreamcast. Now I know that probably seems unnecessary. But I am sure it would sell very, very well. The original was truly horrifying to me when I first played. I was scared out of my mind. To see the original on the Dreamcast would be a true dream (or nightmare) come true. I'm sure the terror I felt would return to me and countless other fans.

Now that I've said this, this statement probably comes to mind, "We have already done this with Resident Evil: Director's Cut." Well, I didn't find much to complain about in Director's Cut. I enjoyed the new scenarios and costumes, and the fact that the handgun could decapitate zombies. The only real disappointment was the same opening movie. I know about the communication problem that caused that and it doesn't bother me much, I'll live.

But what I'm trying to say, while Director's Cut was entertaining and did tie me over in the wait for R.E. 2, it was somewhat of a disappointment. With a Resident Evil Remix, you could completely redeem any disappointment caused with Director's Cut. I know you probably don't feel the need to redeem yourself for a game that pretty much lived up to what it said it was, but I think we would ALL soil ourselves at the announcement that Capcom has decided to Re-release the original R.E. on Dreamcast with the Code: Veronica game engine.

Of coarse I think it would be necessary to change a considerable amount of the game to make things fresh. Rearrange some of the mansion, different item placements, etc. Sort of a movie adaptation of the game, only on the Dreamcast instead of the silver screen. Of coarse we'd need to see several new scenarios, and with the Dreamcast's storage capability, you could have a lot more dialogue than in the original. Another plus to this proposed project would be to eliminate the corniness of the character's dialogue. Although I'd hate to see "You are the master of unlocking things.", go, it would add the dialogue realism of the sequels, which are much better written.

Now as for legal stuff, a simple, "Thank you to all who begged and pleaded with us to make this game!", at the end credits would be more than enough. I could go on forever. But in closing, please, please, please seriously consider this proposed project. I can guarantee you it will sell, people will buy it and enjoy it. I know I will and I know I am speaking for others when I say, everyone will benefit from this "Resident Evil Remix", or whatever you chose to title it. Please write me back and let me know if you'll even consider this idea. If there's no chance in hell, then I'll desist. But if you are unsure if you should undertake this idea, I can get a lot of gamers to put your mind at ease. I fully enjoy your series and hope you'll take my request seriously. Thank you for reading this and thank you for your valuable time!

The Rikk