One of the few Barret pictures

[Name]: Barret Wallace
[Job]: Leader of AVALANCHE
[Age]: 35
[Weapon]: Gun-arm
[Birthdate]: December 15
[Birthplace]: Corel Village
[Blood Type]: O
Barret is the first character (besides Cloud) you meet. He's the head of AVALANCHE, which means he goes around blowing up mako reactors in Midgar. I guess it's good and bad, it killed lots of people, but stopped it from killing the Planet. The mako reactors are sucking the life out of the Planet which is very bad.

Barret has a short temper, and likes yelling. It's really amusing to watch how many times him and Cid curse. What would be even more fun is if they actually got into a yelling match. Anyway, lots of people enjoy comparing Barret to Mr. T because, well, he talks like Mr. T. My brother once decided to name Barret that, which was really funny. Barret always talks about Marlene, if something happens, he's always worried about Marlene and blah blah blah. Erk, here i go again making it sound like i hate this guy. He's not exactly my favorite character, but i don't hate him.

Barret's gun-arm's attack power isn't lessened by distance, unlike the everyone else's (with the exception of Vincent). He's limit breaks are powerful (i think @_@).

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Barret. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Let's see, when Barret lived in Corel, it got blown up by Shinra's reactor @_@ dammit, if i hadn't thought that part was boring i would have paid more attention. This happened when him and his friend, Dyne, were out somewhere. Dyne was against the reactor being put there but no one listened to him. Scarlet turned up when they did and blew off Barret's right arm, which was holding on to Dyne who was about to fall into a pit, and one of Dyne's arms. Stuff happens and Barret takes care of Dyne's daughter, Marlene.

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