Green bow.....

[Name]: Billy Lee Black
[Weapon]: Guns (limited ammo)
[Gear]: Renmazuo and later on an Omnigear version of it

You first find Billy in Thames with the help of his dad, Jessie. He gets you into the Ethos Institute so they can treat Fei. Billy is a priest there or something like that. He also watches orphan kids in an orphanage where his sister Primera stays. He joins your group after he finds out Ethos ain't what he thought it was. You also learn about Billy's past and how his dad left his mom. His mom was later killed by Wels and Reapers, leaving Billy and Prim to live with the Ethos. Jessie, his dad, is actually a cool guy, and hangs around the Yggdrasil.

Billy is a calm guy. He's totally into his saving people thing with Ethos until he finds out what they are really doing. His sister, Primera, doesn't talk all that much, and when she finally does she says her dad's name, which gets Billy a little pissed. He acts a little superior to everyone at first, which gets Bart mad. Surprisingly, or maybe not, he is one of the only characters you don't have to fight to get, probably since Fei was unconscienous at the time. Let's see, he's also very religious, since he's a priest and...well that's it, i can't think of anything else about him -.-;;;

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about BIlly. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Have you noticed that Fei and Elly are the only ones with lots of secrets? If i remember correctly, Ethos was using the people they took in as test subjects and made them into Wels and Reapers. The weirdo he was working under, Stone, was trying to get Ethos to revolt from Solaris. Billy decided he didn't like this and ran off with Fei and the others.

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