The other Champ

[Name]: Bruiser Khang
[Weapon]: Knuckles
[Age]: 39
[Height]:190 cm
[Weight]: 100 kg
. You first meet Bruiser when Elenor takes Stahn out on a date. She takes him to the battle arena where they are both insulted by Bruiser. Stahn fights Bruiser and you can win or lose (if you win he joins you). After the first half of the game you can fight Bruiser again and have him come with you.

Bruiser is like Rico, except with less peronality and past. He likes beating people up, like Stahn and trying to prove that he's still the best fighter.

Bruiser is a strong fighter, with decent defense.

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Bruiser. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

None, haha

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