Cid the Cancermaaaaaaaaan

[Name]: Cid Highwind
[Job]: Pilot
[Age]: 32
[Weapon]: Spear
[Birthdate]: February 22
[Birthplace]: unknown...yea, where the hell IS Cid from?
[Blood Type]: B
I forget why you meet Cid, but you need the Tiny Bronco (Cid's plane) for some reason. You get to talk to Shera (his assisstant) and have some tea. You learn that Rocket Town (the place you are in) was built by the people who made the Shinra 26, a rocket that never made it to space. Cid was supposed to pilot it, but had to stop the countdown when Shera was down there fixing the oxygen tanks or something. The rocket tilted from not launching and that is how Rocket Town was made. Cid was really pissed off that Shinra gave up on the rocket when they discovered the wonders of mako. Shera felt responsible and became somewhat of a maid.This is also where you meet that fatass, Palmer, a Shinra employee. Shinra also wants the Tiny Bronco, but you beat Palmer to the punch when the idiot gets hit by a car. Cid jumps on the plane, which is shot down to the ocean. Cid, having nothing better to do, joins your group as you paddle around in the Tiny Bronco .

Cid is one of the best characters in the game, and the best Cid out of all the Final Fantasy games! He's got a temper to match Barret's and a mouth that's worse. He's also a chainsmoker (hence the name we have given him, Cid the Cancerman). Cid also wants to go out into space, haha, he gets to be a Space Cowboy. Cid is really funny when he starts yelling at someone like this :@%^$^#@%. As are most of the Cids in Final Fantasy games, he supplies the gang with an airship, this one called the Highwind. I think I'm going to be Cid for Halloween (yes, I sink down to the level little kid of dressing up for Halloween and getting candy that i don't even eat). He also constantly bitches to Cloud about how to be and talk manly.

Cid is well balanced in everything, defense, attack power, and magic. He's got lots of HP, so giving him materia isn't a problem. His spears are strong and so are his Limit Breaks (it's really amusing to watch him light a stick of dynamite with his cigarette).

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Cid. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Nothing, bwahahahahaha.

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