What the hell kind of name is fei fong wong??

[Name]: Fei Fong Wong
[Weapon]: Fists
[Gear(s)]: Weltall, Weltall 2, Xenogears

Fei's the main character of the game. As most main characters made by Squaresoft, he suffers partial memory loss. He starts out living the peaceful life of a painter in a small village on the border of Kislev and Aveh called Lahan. He's well liked and respected by everyone there. Then one day a fight between Aveh (more specifically Gebler) and Kislev break out in the middle of the village. Using their Gears they begin destroying the the place in their battle. Fei, drawn by something he doesn't understand , gets into a Gear and begins to fight. As he sees his friend, Timothy, shot by a Gear, Fei goes out of control and destroys everything withen his range, including the village and a lot of it's people. When he comes to, he is cast out of the remains of the village and wishes he were dead.

Fei is the kind of guy who's never really sure of himself or what he can do. He's constantly doubting himself, partly because of the fact he doesn't understand everything about himself.
Throughout the game he and everyone else is always playing the blaming game. Sometimes it's comical, like when Bart and Fei fall into a hole, get stuck in a cave and instead of trying to get out, the first thing they do is blame eachother for who's fault it is. Other times, it's a little more emotional, such as when Fei keeps yelling that it's the Gears that crashed into his village's fault that the place is wrecked, Elly says that he's a coward and should take the blame.
Fei usually has to fight people before they join him, like Bart, Elly, Rico, Maria, and Emeralda.

[The Truth]
Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Fei. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Fei has something called Multiple Personality Disorder. He has three personalities living in him. The first is himself, the ego. He has no memories of the times when the other two personalities were in control of his body. The second is Id. Id was created by the Coward to take the blame and pain that happened to him. Id in turn can see all of Fei's memories, and can take over the body when Fei is dormant. The third personality is what Id calls the Coward, or the superego. The Coward created Id to take the brunt of all the pain and blame, so that he could sit in his own corner of the mind and remember old times when things were good. The Coward never takes control of the body. Towards the end, Fei is able to unite all of his personalities and become "whole".

Fei is also and incarnation of the Contact, his ancestary spanning back three generations. The first was Abel, the intial contact. Kim was the second, living in the Zeboim era, and created Emeralda and nanotechnology. The third was Lacan, a painter, who later became Grahf when Sophia was killed he thought he wasn't powerful enough. He later made and imperfect contact with Zohar and was killed, though he still was able to possess bodies. He possessed Fei's father in order to get Fei, the perfect reincarnation of his body and soul.

Each time Fei was reincarnated, Elly was as well. Unlike Fei, she kept the same name in every reincarnation (Sophia was just a name she took up in one)

Fei is the contact, and was summoned by the Wave Existence in order to free itself from Zohar. This was because Fei's ancestor, Abel, was the reason why the trapped Wave Existence had the will, strength and courage to escape its "fleshly cage", the Zohar. However, these three aspects were distributed into Elly (who received the "will"), to Abel and his descendants (who received "courage") and to -Deus-/Zohar (who got "strength and power"). In order for the Wave existence to escape Zohar, it needs all three parts, thus it asked Fei to save Elly in the end. (Note: this last part was taken from The Nisan Sanctuary because i couldn't explain it well enough myself)

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