Hahaha, Kris made this

[Name]: Hojo
[Job]: psycho, twisted scientist
[Age]: old
[Weapon]: none, he's a wuss
[Height]: unknown
[Birthdate]: unknown, but if we did know we would burn little figures of him on it
[Birthplace]: unknown
[Blood Type]: unknown
You meet this asshole in the Shinra building. He is experimenting on Aeris and Red.

This guy is downright insane. I hate him so very much........I can't believe people actually make shrines for him! Ahahaha, rot in hell Hojo!!!!!.

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Hojo. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Hojo is Sephy's dad...damn, i feel sorry for Seph.

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