Mary is Rutee's partner. You first meet her in Janos where she asks Stahn to help her save Rutee. They go into the temple, and well, if you read Rutee's profile, you know the rest. After the incident, Stahn joins with the two Lens Hunters. Later on she reveals that she has lost her memory of anytime before she met Rutee.
Mary is very curious about things. Since she lost her memory she gets to experience everything for the first time. Sometimes when the group is walking around somewhere, Mary'll wander off somewhere to look at things, then have to run to catch up with everyone. As you search around Phandaria, she begins to recover some of those memories she lost.
Mary is a strong fighter and has decent defense. After you get Philia you may want to replace Mary.
[The Truth]
Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Mary. If you don't want to know, then don't read!
Mary is actually the wife of Dallas. She was saved by him during a war and since then had lived together and eventually gotten married. They made a promise to fight together and die together.One day, they were fighting and were surrounded by the enemy. Dallas got Mary to escape,breaking his promise ,sealing her memory so she wouldn't be sad, and tried to hold them off on his own. Later on you meet him again and have to fight him. Whether or not you go to Mary's old village determines whether he lives or not.