Art by Justin Miller

[Name]: Quistis Trepe
[Age]: 18
[Birthday]: October 4
[Gender]: Female
[Height]: 5’6”
[Occupation]: SeeD/Instructor
[Weapon]: Whip
[First Appearance]:
After Squall talks to Dr. Kawodoki (?) Quistis walks into the infirmary to see how he's doing. You don't officially get her until the test in the Fire Cave, though..

[Personality]: Quistis has her own group of worshippers in the game called the Trepies @_@;;. This is probably due to the fact that she was made a SeeD at a young age. She works in Balamb Garden as a teacher instead of doing mercenary work. In fact, she's Squall and Seifer's teacher. Quistis enjoys teasing Squall about his anti-social behavior. He's become so predictable to her that she says what he's going to say before he does. At first it seems as though Quistis is in love with Squall, but in the end she realizes that it was only an older sister instinct.

Like all the girls in the game, she's a pretty damn good magic user. Her limit breaks are the same as a lot of monsters attacks, kind of makes you wonder if that was Squaresoft's way of adding a Blue Mage in.

You know the drill.

Another member of the old Orphanage gang, she tried to take the place of Ellone for Squall. I think she left Edea's Orphanage a little earlier than the others since she became a SeeD quicker.

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