He's somewhat psycho, but cool

[Name]: Kahran Ramsus
[Weapon]: sword
[Gear]: Wyvern, Amphysvena

Ramsus was the one in charge of taking Margie captive. You fight him about four times with Gears throughout the game, the most challanging being Amphysvena and twice in regular person to person combat. Ramsus holds a grudge on Fei during most of the game for unknown reasons. In fact, he holds a grudge on Sigurd too, for abandoning Solaris. Ramsus' guards are the Elements.

Ramsus would be a really cool guy if everyone weren't constantly messing with his head. He sort of reminds me of Leon from Tales of Destiny. Anyway, Ramsus is constantly being told he is nothing more than garbage by his superiors (the big floating heads and Krelian). This really gives him an inferiority complex. He also never really got to know what love was, only the false kind he got from Miang

[The Truth]

Warning! This section explains nearly everything about Ramsus. If you don't want to know, then don't read!

Ramsus was originally created by Krelian to be equal to the Emperor. This way, if the Emperor went against his plans, he could have Ramsus kill him at anytime. Ramsus was also created to be the intial Contact, but when Fei was born they had no use for him except to kill the Emperor. Ramsus was made to grow very quickly and was able to hear that he was trash from Miang in Fei's mother's body. This started his grudge against Fei.

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