Looking very slutty -.-

[Name]: Rinoa Heartilly
[Age]: 17
[Birthday]: March 3
[Gender]: Female
[Height]: 5’4”
[Occupation]: Rebel Leader
[Weapon]: Pinweel
[Other]:Dog - Angelo
[First Appearance]:
You first meet her at the SeeD ball and later she joins your group when Squall and the others go on their first SeeD mission, she's the one they have to help. Her rebel faction, the Timber Owls, are trying to liberate the town of Timber from Galabadian control.

[Personality]: Rinoa is cheerful and optomistic, but not as much as Selphie. She tries a little harder than the others to get Squall out of his shell. The both of them constantly clash personalities because they're both pretty damn stubborn. He treats her like she has no idea what she's doing when it comes to the mission and she constantly eggs him on. She is very open and honest about how she feels, which annoys Squall. After she proves that she isn't incompetent, the rest of the group accept her. I really liked Rinoa from the time I saw her at the ball trying to get Squall to dance.

Her attacks can be pretty good, but stick with her magic. Her limit breaks (all except Angel Wing) have to do with her and her dog Angelo. Wishing Star, her final limit break can do 20,000 damage. NEVER EVER use Angel Wing in a boss battle when Rinoa is the only one left...it's kind of like turning Vincent into Chaos while fighting Seph @_@.

You know the drill.

Rinoa is General Caraway's daughter. Not only that, but Rinoa's mother is Julia, the singer that Laguna used to have a crush on. Later on in the game Rinoa inherits Edea's Sorceress (Witch) powers and is possessed by Ultimecia, then Adel. Poor kid @_@.

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