Picture by Glass Shard

[Name]: Squall Leonhart
[Age]: 17
[Birthday]: August 23
[Gender]: Male
[Height]: 5’8”
[Occupation]: SeeD
[Weapon]: Gunblade
[First Appearance]:
Besides Rinoa, Seifer and Edea, he’s the first person you see. You get to watch that cool FMV opening with him and Seifer fighting and the origin of those scars.

[Personality]: Squall is one of those loner types that seem to be in all RPGs. He keeps people at a distance because he’s afraid of getting hurt if he loses them. Eventually, he does open up to the rest of the gang. He talks to himself a lot @_@, which annoys his friends. He’ll talk himself a whole paragraph in his head and summarize in one lame sentence -.-;;;. He’s waaay too serious sometimes and never smiles until the very very end. Anytime he does laugh you kind of get the feeling it’s more like one of Heero’s I’m-angry-and- insane laughs. His hand-on-face shaking of the head thing has gotten to be a gesture that me and my friends all have stolen, bwahahaha.

Like all the characters in FF8, Squall’s normal attacks aren’t all that powerful. His magic is decent.His limit break, Renzokuken, on the other hand can be very handy when you have the Lionheart….BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

You know the drill.

Squally poo is really one of the Muppet Babies….ok, maybe he isn’t, but he is part of the Orphanage Gang!When everyone with the exception of Rinoa, Fujin and Raijin were little they lived in and Orphanage together. They forgot everything because of the effect Guardian Forces have on your brain when you use them in battle. They take the place in your mind where memories are stored, causing everyone to forget that they grew up together. Squall was the one always hanging around Ellone, a.k.a. Sis. He even wears this little Charlie Brown looking shirt. Anywaaaay, though not officially stated in the game, Squall is Laguna and Raine’s son. See, when Laguna left to go looking for Ellone, Raine was pregnant and all alone. When she died, ever wonder what happened to her kid? HE GOT SENT TO EDEA’S ORPHANAGE. So that’s how we all figure it’s Squall.

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