
The Western Wizard

Warning! This contains some mild spoilers, so get yer ass outta here unless you really don't care whether you see what happens or not

The Great War is over and it has left both lands wasted. All of the crew makes it back, with the exception of Rache who was killed by a poison arrow. But there's no time for peace for the gang, now they have to get Sterrane the thrown of Bearn, who his evil uncle Morhane took over.
The Wizards are getting a little more cautious with the Ragnorok so close. Trilless, the Northern Wizard, finds out that a golden haired swordsman who is unmatched will be Carcophan, the Southern Wizard's new champion. More information points that this man might start the Ragnorok, and all arrows point to Colbey.
Colbey, Garn and Mitrian have all settled in the town of Santigathi for the time being. Colbey trains Mitrian's son, Rache, and the original Rache's son, Episte, how to be Renshai (for lack of better words). But a war between the town and the Northmen is starting over Colbey. The North wants him dead for being the last full-blooded Renshai, but Santigathi keeps the reason for the war unknown to Colbey. Bearn, now led by Sterrane, is unable to help because of the rebels led by Rathelon (Morhane's bastard son) and a plague.The war lasts for ten years, and in the end leaves the town devastated, Santigathi killed. Episte's mother was also killed, but who killed her is best unknown to him for the time being.
Colbey, Mitrian, Shadimar, Garn and the boys start journeying East to find a new home for the Renshai. They meet up with Tannin, a Western Renshai, whose ancestors decided to live in the West, but were unable to pass down the Renshai manuvers. Leading them back to where he and the few other Western Renshai live, the group is attacked by Northmen. Episte is presumed dead when he gets seperated and they find a body headless with his clothes nearby. The group continues on with low spirits. Along the way they are continuosly attacked by a hooded figure, and their search of his identity leads them back to the Eastlands.

.back home.

Disclaimer: I didn't make up any of this, they're books written by Mickey Zucker Reichert.