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A Creature Guide for Silent Hill

Here you will find information on most of the demons in Silent Hill. I hope this site is helpfull

Creature:Demon Child
Warnings:Cries and groans
Appearance:Short,white,knife weilding demons with a red hole on their head
Location:Midwich Elementy School (normal and alternate)and Nowhere
Weapons: Use the handgun, pipe, hammer,or axe. If surrounded,use the shotgun and blow them all away.

Name: Demon Bird
Warnings:Wing fluttering,screeching
Appearance: Big,ugly, pink pterodactyl-like birds
Location: Normal and Alternate Silent Hill(there are 2 types of demon birds & dogs in alternamte silent hill)
Weapons: Handgun,shotgun,or any other firearm available.

Name: Demon Hound
Warnings:Paws tapping,growls
Appearance:Bloody,Skinless dogs
Location:Normal and Alternate Silent Hill(my picture is of the dog in alternate silent hill)
Weapons:Use the handun or shotgun and shoot them in mid-leap for a more critical hit.

Name:Ape Man
Warnings: Ape Sounds
Appearance:Big, brown guys hopping around in the street. These things look like gorillas genetically spliced with hobos
Location: Normal and alternate Shopping area of Silent Hill.
Weapons: Just about any firearm in Silent Hill will bring down this big gooch in usually 3-5 shots. Whatever you do, do not let them get on top of you, their attack usally damages you severely