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Stalkids Preview

In Zelda Gaiden a lot of the emphasis seems to be based on the masks and the traveling mask seller the three main masks are the deku mask the goron mask and the zora mask there will also be over 100 other masks I have heard but the main three are the ones that will actually transform you into something (i.e goron mask turns you in to a goron) also the game does not take place in hyrule it takes place in a new world where the moon is on a time limit and will crash in to the the world also the time rather than a day passing in five minutes it's in real time so if you played for twelve hours it would have turned night for the first time I'm not sure how the moon crashing and the real time will interact yet but I'm sure I will find out soon.There also plenty of new characters (and a lot of them look like old characters) and new creatures like the zoran a strange hybrid of the goron and the zora and of course stalkid the semi-evil character who trys to steal epona (which you can now ride as a kid) could he be a much worse enemy in disguise? Find out when Zelda Gaiden is (supposedly) realesed this fall.