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My Cheetah Page

Here is my cheetah section. you can find lots of info on cheetahs here!

Cheetah's Classifications:

Kingdom:Animal kingdom. Phylum:chordata. Class:Mammalia. Order:Carnivora. Family:Felidae. Genus:Acinonyx Species:Acinonyx jubatus

What Cheetahs Eat

Cheetahs are carnivors, meaning that they eat meat.Some of the foods that the cheetahs eat are:Small Antelope,Gazelles,Impalas,Small Zebras, and Young Wildebeast. They eat 6 and a half pounds of meat a day! Also, Cheetahs usually drink every 3 or 4 days.

The cheetahs Lifespan

The cheetah lives about 10 yrs. in a zoo at max. In the wild,they live 10-13 yrs.The longest living cheetah was 16 yrs. old.Although cheetahs usually live 8-9 yrs. in a zoo.

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