Here is where you can see all my Updates.(New updates are on the bottom)
Sat. Sept. 16, oo. I started the page and put in the update place.
Sunday,September 17 2000
I made a code section and a poll section.
Monday September 18,2000
Put some polls and the date.
Tuesday September 19,2000
Put polls.
Mon.Sept. 25, 00.
Put Polls, and made my angelfire account hold up to 50 MB, instead of 5 MB, put 1 more code,And Put the link section.
Thurs. Sept. 28, 00.
no update, but i learned how to put pictures on my site.
Fri. Sept. 29, 00.
Put two pictures
Put 7 pictures.
Mon. Oct. 2, 00.
Fixed up my main page and added 6 pictures.
Added about 4 pictures.
Made the Pictures2 section and uploaded some pictures.
Put a section about yoshi,and put some yoshi pictures.
Put pictures and stuff.
Put pictures.
Put a new picture on the main page and got some more yoshi pictures.Also put some voice chat.
added 6 pictures
I put a new cursor on my main page and put 1 new poll.
I uploaded about 3 or 4 animations,and put 1 new poll, and put more yoshi stuff on the yoshi section.
I put2 pictures.I have to do a project on cheetahs so i dont have much time to update. Now I must get some info on cheetahs.
I added a new section caled yoshi polls. I also put a guestbook in the yoshi section.
I added a new section about cheetahs. It has lots of info on them.
not going to update for a while because i'm going to lose my internet for a while
I got internet again
put a Starcraft section and lots of Starcraft pictures.
and put starcraft codes
put a new entrance to my site, see it at
put a guest book in my Starcraft section.
Put a starcraft quiz
Sat.May 05, 01.
put a new Starcraft link with lots of cheats
Mon.May 07, 01.
New Starcraft section,about Starcraft Records.
Saturday, June 9, 2001
I changed my e-mail to:
I also added 2 polls.
Thurs.June 28,01.
Put a new starcraft code,see it at
Put rainbow text on main page of Starcraft. put a new main image on the main page of Starcraft.
Fri.June 29,01.
In the Starcraft section, I added a place where you can
add comments about Starcraft. click on the link that says comments about starcraft, then click on add your own comment.
I learned how to put pictures on my site, where you dont have to click on a link to veiw them.So I'll put lots of pictures.
Sat.July 07, 01.
no pictures, but I put 2 links.
Sun.July 08, 01
I learned how to make text appear when you put the mouse on a picture,click on it to go to the
Starcraft section
I put a banner
But I dont know what else to do on my site. take this poll or E-Mail me at
Wed. Sept. 19, 01.
My old computer broke, and now I finnaly got a new one.
Its pretty powerfull, its got 40 gigs of memory, runs at 1 gigahertz and has DVD and a CD writer.
I added 5 new questions to the Starcraft quiz, and put a poll.
Thurs.Aug.2, 01
Finally thought of something to put on my site. Its about my dog. see it at:
I wont have that many pictures cuz they take lots of memory.
I put a few pictures, see em at the starcraft pictures.
I hardly ever update cuz i dont no what ta do.But I might make a maze sooner or later...
Started the maze.(Its still under construction)
Did alot more of the maze. Its still under heavy construction, though.
Did even more of the maze.It should be finished sometime soon.
More of the maze is done. it is almost finished.
soon,it will be done.
still working on the maze. i'm just not sure how to finish it.
Merry Christmas!!!
May 8
I got bored of my site.but soon i will add something!!!