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General Information

The point of the league is to attract more people to play apprentice with or to just chat with at the Planeswalker Chatroom. Remember the tourneys run are just for fun and ratings, so don't be upset if you lose.

Some general info you should know before starting to play is that only people deemed judges on the member's status webpage can run tourneys for the league. Running casual tourneys are fine, but only the judges will run real tourneys that will affect your rating.

You've heard rating now several times. What you rating is, basically, is the number of points you've earned playing in Dust Bowl sanctioned tourneys to rank members with.

Go to the link on the main league webpage to find information about becoming a judge if you'd like to become one. Not anyone can be one though. There will be a short test asking questions about Magic game situations that has to be passed to become a judge.
